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Our World Has Changed by Social St TEKS 2.16B; 2.17A,B; 2.18B

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Presentation on theme: "Our World Has Changed by Social St TEKS 2.16B; 2.17A,B; 2.18B"— Presentation transcript:

1 Our World Has Changed by Social St TEKS 2.16B; 2.17A,B; 2.18B
Have the students go to File/Save As and save into their own personal directory. Discuss with children how technology has changed our world. Invite a grandparent to come tell the class how their life was different when they were young. Create a chart of changes. Now the students are ready to create their own slide show about how our world has changed. Here they will add their name and date. File/Save (or click on the Save icon that looks like a floppy disk.). Social St TEKS 2.16B; 2.17A,B; 2.18B

2 The Way We Communicate Has Changed
OLD WAYS NEW WAYS Click in the center of each picture and drag it where it belongs, under either Old Ways or New Ways. Complete the sentences. There are more pictures from which to choose on slides 10 – 12. Just click a picture, copy, (edit/copy, ctrl + c, or right click/copy) and return to this slide to paste (edit/paste, ctrl + v, or right click/paste). To find their own pictures, go to the “Clip Art Guy” in the bottom task tray or Insert/Picture from Clip Art, type in a Keyword, Search, double click on your choice to insert. Resize from corner, and drag it where it belongs. Save. In the past, we Now we Today we still use In the future

3 The Way We Communicate Has Changed
fewer more I think there are ___________ ways to communicate today than there were in the past. I think this because In the future Click in the center of the word “fewer” or “more” and drag it into the blank. Delete the other word. Complete the sentences. Add a picture. There are more pictures from which to choose on slides 10 – 12. Just click a picture, copy, (edit/copy, ctrl + c, or right click/copy) and return to this slide to paste (edit/paste, ctrl + v, or right click/paste). To find their own pictures, go to the “Clip Art Guy” in the bottom task tray or Insert/Picture from Clip Art, type in a Keyword, Search, double click on your choice to insert. Resize from corner and drag where you want it. Save.

4 The Way We Travel Has Changed
NEW WAYS OLD WAYS Click in the center of each picture and drag it where it belongs, under either Old Ways or New Ways. Complete the sentences. There are more pictures from which to choose on slides 10 – 12. Just click on a picture, copy, (edit/copy, ctrl + c, or right click/copy) and return to this slide to paste (edit/paste, ctrl + v, or right click/paste). To find their own pictures, go to the “Clip Art Guy” in the bottom task tray or Insert/Picture from Clip Art, type in a Keyword, Search, double click on your choice to insert. Resize from corner, and drag it where it belongs. Save. In the past, we Now we Today we still use In the future

5 Airplanes Have Changed the Way We Travel
The invention of the airplane changed the way we travel by In the future Complete the sentences. Add at least one picture. There are pictures from which to choose on slides 10 – 12. Just click on a picture, copy, (edit/copy, ctrl + c, or right click/copy) and return to this slide to paste (edit/paste, ctrl + v, or right click/paste). To find their own pictures, go to the “Clip Art Guy” in the bottom task tray or Insert/Picture from Clip Art, type in a Keyword, Search, double click on your choice to insert. Resize from corner, and drag it where it belongs. Save.

6 What We Do for Fun Has Changed
NEW WAYS OLD WAYS Click in the center of each picture and drag it where it belongs, under either Old Ways or New Ways. Complete the sentences. There are more pictures from which to choose on slides 10 – 12. Just click on a picture, copy, (edit/copy, ctrl + c, or right click/copy) and return to this slide to paste (edit/paste, ctrl + v, or right click/paste). To find their own pictures, go to the “Clip Art Guy” in the bottom task tray or Insert/Picture from Clip Art, type in a Keyword, Search, double click on your choice to insert. Resize from corner, and drag it where it belongs. Save. In the past, we Now we Today we still use In the future

7 The Way We Work Has Changed
OLD WAYS NEW WAYS Click in the center of each picture and drag it where it belongs, under either Old Ways or New Ways. Complete the sentences. There are more pictures from which to choose on slides 10 – 12. Just click on a picture, copy, (edit/copy, ctrl + c, or right click/copy) and return to this slide to paste (edit/paste, ctrl + v, or right click/paste). To find their own pictures, go to the “Clip Art Guy” in the bottom task tray or Insert/Picture from Clip Art, type in a Keyword, Search, double click on your choice to insert. Resize from corner, and drag it where it belongs. Save. In the past, we Now we Today we still use In the future

8 The Way We Live in our Houses Has Changed
NEW WAYS OLD WAYS In the past, we Now we Today we still use In the future Click in the center of each picture and drag it where it belongs, under either Old Ways or New Ways. Complete the sentences. There are more pictures from which to choose on slides 10 – 12. Just click on a picture, copy, (edit/copy, ctrl + c, or right click/copy) and return to this slide to paste (edit/paste, ctrl + v, or right click/paste). To find their own pictures, go to the “Clip Art Guy” in the bottom task tray or Insert/Picture from Clip Art, type in a Keyword, Search, double click on your choice to insert. Resize from corner, and drag it where it belongs. Save. Click F5 or View/Slideshow to watch your slideshow.

9 Wow! I have learned Complete this statement. Save.

10 Now click F5 at the top of your keyboard or go to View/Slide Show to watch your slide show.
The students can delete this slide when they know how to start their slide show.

11 We used to … Now we … Move the pictures where they belong.
A little bit extra for those who finish early: The students will click and drag these pictures to the appropriate side of the line. Save.

12 Picture Gallery If you have any students who would like to use different pictures, here are a few choice. The students can copy any of these pictures (Edit/Copy or Ctrl + C), and paste them on the slides (Edit/Paste or Ctrl + V) where they need them … or they can insert clip art.

13 Picture Gallery If you have any students who would like to use different pictures, here are a few choices. The students can copy any of these pictures (Edit/Copy or Ctrl + C), and paste them on the slides (Edit/Paste or Ctrl + V) where they need them … or they can insert clip art.

14 Picture Gallery If you have any students who would like to use different pictures, here are a few choices. The students can copy any of these pictures (Edit/Copy or Ctrl + C), and paste them on the slides (Edit/Paste or Ctrl + V) where they need them … or they can insert clip art.

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