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Welcome to Our Sunday Morning Worship Service

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Our Sunday Morning Worship Service"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Our Sunday Morning Worship Service

2 Our Times of Services Are: Sun. 9:00 am – Bible Study Sun
Our Times of Services Are: Sun. 9:00 am – Bible Study Sun. 9:50 am – Worship Sun. 6:00 pm – Worship Wed. 7:30 pm – Bible Study

3 We are Glad you have Chosen to Worship with Us this Lord’s Day
We are Glad you have Chosen to Worship with Us this Lord’s Day. The Church that Meets Together at Lakeland Hills Strive to Follow the New Testament Pattern as Our Only Guide of Faith and Practice

4 Our Website Gives More Information about this Congregation of the Lord’s People and of Its Faith and Practice

5 We Publish a Weekly Bulletin with Articles to Strengthen Our Faith
It Also Contains the Following: A Current List of the Sick A List of those to Serve in Upcoming Services Announcements of Spiritual Interest to All

6 Five Lesson Series on Church History
Winter Bible Series Tuesday – April 24, Time – 7:00 pm Place – Bob Marschall Home Five Lesson Series on Church History

7 How to Improve the Worship Service
Men’s Training Class This Evening – April 22nd Time – 5:00 pm Place – Auditorium How to Improve the Worship Service

8 Baptism and Its Relationship to Salvation from Sin
Mark 16:15-16; Acts 2:38

9 Baptism’s Relationship to Salvation from Sin
Baptism is into the Name of Christ Matt.28:19; Acts 2:28; ; Acts 19:5 He has all Authority Matt. 28:18 By that Authority He offers Salvation Acts 4:10-12; Luke 24:47

10 Baptism’s Relationship to Salvation from Sin
Baptism is into the Body of Christ 1 Cor.12:13 There is One Body Eph.4:4 The Body is the Church Acts 2:47; Acts 20:28; Eph.5:23

11 Baptism’s Relationship to Salvation from Sin
Baptism is into the Death of Christ Romans 6:3 Thru His Death We Reach the Blood John 19:32-34 Thru His Blood We have Remission of Sins Matt.26:28; Eph.1:7

12 Baptism’s Relationship to Salvation from Sin
Baptism is Into Christ Rom.6:3; Gal.3:2 All Spiritual Blessings are in Christ Eph.1:3; 1:7; Rom.6:4 Apart from Baptism into Christ, There Can Be No Salvation.

13 Have You Been Baptized for Remission of Your Sins?

14 Our Worship will Now Begin with the Collection
Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. 2 Cor. 9:7

15 Please Silence All Cell Phones and Electronic Devices


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