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(Names of different organ systems)

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Presentation on theme: "(Names of different organ systems)"— Presentation transcript:

1 (Names of different organ systems)
Developing: Identify the main organs in the water transport system. Secure: Describe 4 different organ systems. Exceeding: Explain why people need transplants. Entrance Activity Complete the entrance word search on organs. Tool box – Key Words Organ System (Names of different organ systems) Xylem tissue Transplant

2 Evaporate Xylem Leaves
Water Transport Learning Activity Complete the sentences below Water is absorbed through the _______ by ______ _______ cells. The water is then transported up the _______ by the ________. It then final enters the ______ where it can _______ into the air. Roots Root hair Stem Evaporate Xylem Leaves

3 (Names of different organ systems)
Developing: Identify the main organs in the water transport system. Secure: Describe 4 different organ systems. Exceeding: Explain why people need transplants. Entrance Activity Complete the entrance word search on organs. Tool box – Key Words Organ System (Names of different organ systems) Xylem tissue Transplant

4 Key Word Alert! Organ Systems A group of organs working together to perform a particular bodily task.

5 Student Reading Activity
Organ Systems Student Reading Activity In pairs, read through the Organs system information sheet. Underline or highlight any key information and be prepared to answer questions at the end of the activity. 5min Activity

6 Summarising Information
Learning Activity Summarising Information Using the Organs Systems information sheet, complete the summary table below in as much detail as possible. Ensure you write down the names of all the organs involved in the system and you give a good description of its function. Summary Table Organ System Organs Function Digestive Urinary Circulatory Respiratory

7 Key Word Alert! Organ Transplant An operation in which a bodily organ is transferred from one human being to another.

8 Learning Activity Organ Transplant Watch the following YouTube clip and try and answer the questions stated below. (Hint- you may want to write down the questions before you start) 1) Name 5 organs which can be transplanted. 2) Why do people have transplants? 3) What is a donor?

9 (Names of different organ systems)
Developing: Identify the main organs in the water transport system. Secure: Describe 4 different organ systems. Exceeding: Explain why people need transplants. Tool box – Key Words Organ System (Names of different organ systems) Xylem tissue Transplant

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