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Colombo Defense Seminar, 2017

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1 Colombo Defense Seminar, 2017
Public Diplomacy in CVE Nick Cull

2 Overview: What is Public Diplomacy? Components of PD Precedent: COIN
Single actor approaches to CVE (US case) Multi-actor approaches to CVE Conclusion: Rethinking CVE.

3 What is Public Diplomacy?
Traditional Diplomacy = an actor’s attempt to manage the international environment through engagement with a foreign actor. Public Diplomacy = an actor’s attempt to manage the international environment through engagement with a foreign public. BUT New Term for five old practices…

4 Components of Public Diplomacy

5 Components of Public Diplomacy
Listening Advocacy

6 Components of Public Diplomacy
Listening Advocacy Cultural Diplomacy

7 Components of Public Diplomacy
Listening Advocacy Cultural Diplomacy Exchange Diplomacy

8 Components of Public Diplomacy
Listening Advocacy Cultural Diplomacy Exchange Diplomacy State-Funded News/ International b’casting

9 Components of Public Diplomacy
Listening Advocacy Cultural Diplomacy Exchange Diplomacy State-Funded News/ International b’casting US invents term: PD

10 Components of Public Diplomacy
Listening Advocacy Cultural Diplomacy Exchange Diplomacy State-Funded News/ International b’casting US invents term: PD All enhance SOFT POWER of attractive values/culture

11 Precedent: PD dimension to COIN
Listening: to isolate the enemy from their host pop. Advocacy: for a better future Culture: ensure help fits with local cultural values Exchange: work with the host population to build links IB: Fight with an eye to the outside media image. UK did it right in Malaya US did wrong in Vietnam

12 Single Actor: recent US approaches
Listening: too little, too late Advocacy: ‘Think again, turn away’ but not State Dept. not credible Culture: use of music (including US Muslims) Exchange: aim for youth & women IB: Al Hurra, Sawa & websites. BUT problem of domestic politics Priority = impress home audience Reality = no one has the resource or credibility to act alone.

13 Multi-Actor: The Collective Cure?
Integrate a unified govt. “hub” Listen first and know your audience Understand recruitment Empower communicators who are credible to your target audience. Create/translate messages that they can pass on as memes Build a networks practice (Strong Cities Network & EU’s RAN) Don’t do hard power things that make the situation worse.

14 Conclusion: Rethinking CVE
Question: What if violent extremism is a symptom NOT the disease? What if issue = nihilism and lack of ‘future’ to believe in? What if VE has same root as new nationalism/strong man? How to counter the victim narrative? The world needs a greater idea and a common goal. Challenge for everyone’s PD

15 Thank You Nick Cull (

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