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Warmup 12/10 Write a thesis and method statement for the following prompt: Did the Great Dying or Black Death have a greater impact on the world?

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Presentation on theme: "Warmup 12/10 Write a thesis and method statement for the following prompt: Did the Great Dying or Black Death have a greater impact on the world?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warmup 12/10 Write a thesis and method statement for the following prompt: Did the Great Dying or Black Death have a greater impact on the world?

2 Logistics Had to move Quiz 4.2 to Thursday
I forgot that I am being pulled to grade tests on Friday. Content for 4.2: Age of Exploration Great Dying Columbian Exchange Treatment of American Indians Some details about conquests (Pizarro against the Inca or general conquest trends).

3 Arguments A thesis has 2 parts:
A Claim: an answer to the question/prompt. A Reason: your main reason why your answer is correct. Thesis should be accompanied by a method statement: A method: an explanation of your approach to answering the prompt

4 Method Prompt: Did the Great Dying or Black Death have a greater impact on the world? Methods: The impact of a disease should be measured by its death toll. The impact of a disease should be measured by how much it changes societies.

5 Method Use your method statement to frame your argument.
Most history arguments can be very broad, so establish what specific metrics you are going to use. For disease you could use raw death tolls, % death tolls, economic impacts, social impacts, how it is depicted in art, etc.

6 Argument Your whole argument might look like:
The impact of a disease should be measured by how much it changes society. Therefore the Great Dying had the most impact on the world because it caused the complete collapse of some civilizations.

7 Work Today You are going to be practicing for possible test essay questions today. Your job is to look at each prompt and write the method statement and thesis statement you would/might use for that prompt. Be finished by 2:40

8 Tomorrow District Assessment writing exam
You will get a grade in my gradebook. I will be grading you on 2 of the 5 parts of the district rubric.

9 Tomorrow You will be writing all period.
Prepare to be silent all period. Bring headphones.

10 Last Thing Staple and Turn In: Guns, Germs, and Steel ep 2
Age of Exploration Columbian Exchange Argument Practice

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