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CELLcasts Webinar.

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Presentation on theme: "CELLcasts Webinar."— Presentation transcript:

1 CELLcasts Webinar

2 Welcome! Introductions Today’s webinar Webinar Series
Conducting follow-up to training and activities Describe CELLcasts Show two practice guides and their CELLcasts - Act Natural and Delighting in Writing Webinar Series

3 Training and Activity Follow-Up
Follow the training and activity process for your state Do follow-up with trainees Do follow-up with the people you talk to about CELL Send us the names and contact information of the people you train or talk to about CELL Follow-up can happen in multiple ways: Phone call, , face-to-face, part of series training After a training or after less formal interactions

4 Training and Activity Follow-Up
Follow-up can focus on multiple things: Reinforce the concepts you trained on or talked about Find out what they’re doing with information you gave them Consider using tip sheets (see CELL website web-based TA) Consider using additional practices (see distance learning website;

5 What are CELLcasts? They are audio-visual versions of the parent practice guides They show in pictures and describe in audio all of the text that is in a practice guide They ask and answer the same four questions as the practice guides: What is the practice? What does the practice look like? How do you do the practice? How do you know the practice worked?

6 Why use the CELLcasts? Parents can use them to explore fun and exciting literacy learning experiences and opportunities for their child Practitioners working with parents can use them to promote parents’ use of literacy learning activities with their children They are particularly useful for parents who have trouble reading or prefer to learn by watching and listen listening

7 Finding the CELLcasts Step 1: Go to our home page They are linked from the left menu under the Technical Assistance / General link

8 Finding the CELLcasts Step 2: On the General TA page, click on “CELLcasts”

9 Finding the CELLcasts Step 3: On the CELLcasts page, click on the CELLcast you want to watch or download a podcast version or download an audio only version

10 Act Natural This is a practice guide especially for parents of toddlers It includes activities that help toddlers to listen, talk, and learn building blocks for early literacy


12 Watch the CELLcast “Act Natural”

13 Delighting in Writing This is a practice guide especially for parents of preschoolers It includes activities that encourage preschoolers to scribble, draw, and write letter shapes


15 “Delighting in Writing”
Watch the CELLcast “Delighting in Writing”

16 Questions & Reminders Questions & Answers Upcoming webinars
Archived CELL webinars: Tools for training and use in the field: Other resources: Distance Learning Website:

17 Archived CELL webinars

18 Tools for training and use in the field

19 Other Resources

20 Distance Learning Website

21 More Information?
For more Technical Assistance support please visit; Or send an to Please reference CELL in the subject line.

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