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A Census of Young Binary Stars and their Properties

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Presentation on theme: "A Census of Young Binary Stars and their Properties"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Census of Young Binary Stars and their Properties
Kendra Kellogg Northern Arizona University Dr. Lisa Prato Lowell Observatory

2 Introduction Our goal: My job:
To explore and better understand the properties of circumstellar disks in T Tauri binary systems My job: To organize and update a database containing these data and analyze them

3 Why young binaries? Most young stars are found in binary systems; sometimes triple or quadruple systems Young stars still have most of their disks

4 Why disks? Circumstellar or circumbinary disks are the beginnings of coalesced planetary systems like our own solar system

5 Data and analysis Used data from published papers
Used IDL (Interactive Data Language)‏ for the analysis

6 Old Database

7 New Database

8 What are K, L and K-L? K (2.2μm)‏ L (3.4μm)‏
K-L colors show presence of dusty disk Furlan et al. 2006

9 Usage of Database Compared K-L colors of selected stars to the K-L colors from other data sets of the same stars Stars below 0.4 mag do not have disks and those above do have disks (Edwards et al. 1993)‏

10 Conclusions Results show that star systems and circumstellar disks change over time Padgett et al. 1999

11 Acknowlegements I would like to thank: Any Questions?
Mentor - Dr. Lisa Prato Space Grant Director - Dr. Nadine Barlow NASA Space Grant Any Questions?

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