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Noun Suffix -ance/-ence

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1 Noun Suffix -ance/-ence
Lesson 18 Noun Suffix -ance/-ence

2 importance n. the state of being important

3 entrance n. 1. a door or passage through which one enters a place
2. the act of entering

4 difference n. the fact of being unlike someone or something else

5 independence n. the fact of being independent; freedom

6 insurance n. a way of protecting against the loss of money

7 conference n. a meeting to discuss something

8 ambulance n. a specially equipped vehicle that carries the sick or wounded

9 absence n. the fact of being not present

10 instance n. a single situation in which a general point is true: i.e., example

11 audience n. a group of people who watch a certain event

12 allowance n. sum of money set aside for a certain purpose

13 intelligence n. the ability to use the mind to do such things as learn, understand, and remember

14 assurance n. a statement made to inspire confidence

15 appearance n. the way a person or thing looks

16 obedience n. the fact of doing what one is told or is supposed to do

17 presence n. the fact of being in a certain place

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