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User notes: See the notes section of each slide for talking points.

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1 User notes: See the notes section of each slide for talking points.
After presentation, give students time to select regulation tokens for their choice cards (if using 5-option card), time to glue tokens (if using small 11-option card), or time to draw choices (if using large card).

2 Regulation strategies are things we can do to help ourselves feel calm and settle our tough feelings. Today we’ll learn about and practice [5-11] regulation strategies that you can use when you have tough feelings that you want to settle.

3 The first strategy is the Helicopter View.
When you are experiencing a tough situation, imagine that you are in a helicopter. You can rise above the situation to expand your view of what’s happening. When you’re high up in the air, you can see more than you can when you’re standing on the ground. Picture yourself high above the situation. What else can you see now? Can you see another person’s point of view? Can you see new solutions that you didn’t see before?

4 The next strategy is imagery
The next strategy is imagery. Think of a place that is calming and peaceful for you. When you want to settle a hard feeling, using all of your senses to imagine the place can help you return to an even feeling. Close your eyes and see the place in your mind. Think about the objects or items that are nearby. What can you feel with your hand? What can you feel with your feet? What can you smell? What do you hear? Can you taste anything? Fill in the full picture of the place using all of your senses. If desired, lead students through guided imagery of beach scene. Describe waves, sand, warm sun, etc.

5 For some people, creating art is very helpful for settling tough feelings. Doodling, coloring, painting, sculpting or modeling with clay can all have calming effects on our bodies. You can channel your feelings into something creative!

6 When we are feeling overwhelmed or like we do not have control of our feelings or our situations, we can try an exercise called grounding to help settle our feelings. Grounding pulls you back into your body and back into the moment by using your senses to notice what is happening around you right now. Choose one sense at a time (sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound). Use that sense to notice 1-2 things around you right now. Instruct students to focus on their senses. After doing sight grounding, have students close their eyes to do other senses. What are 2 things you see right now? What are 2 things you smell right now? What are 2 things you hear right now? What are 2 things you can touch right now? What are 2 things you can taste right now?

7 A body scan is simply the process of taking time to figure out how your body is feeling. Tough feelings can cause all kinds of sensations in our bodies, and focusing on our bodies can help us figure out our feelings. Let’s try a body scan, sit comfortably. Focus on your head. How does your head feel? Move down to your neck. How does your neck feel? Move to your shoulders. How do your shoulders feel? Focus on your arms. How do your arms feel? Focus on your hands. How do your hands feel? Think about your fingers. How do they feel? Now focus on your chest. How is your chest feeling? Turn your attention to your stomach. How is your stomach feeling? Now focus on your legs. How do your legs feel? What about your feet? Lastly, focus on your toes. How do your toes feel?

8 When we are having tough feelings that we are having trouble managing on our own, it can be helpful to talk with a trusted adult. Talking to someone who cares about you can help you to feel loved and valued and can sometimes bring you a new perspective.

9 Just like talking to a trusted adult can help you feel loved and valued, talking to a trusted friend can also help us feel better and settle our feelings!

10 Sometimes when we have tough feelings, we need a moment away from the situation to recollect our thoughts. Taking a break from the situation can help us to lower our stress levels and think about possible solutions on our own. Think of some places at school and at home where you feel safe to take a break. (Identify designated break spots in classroom/school such as calm down corners)

11 Taking time to put your feelings into words can help you to not only understand your feelings better but also settle tough feelings. You can write about your feelings in a private journal, in a letter to someone, or just on a piece of scrap paper. You do not have to share the paper with anyone if you do not want to – this is just for you. You do not even have to write in complete sentences. Just write about the feelings you have, what you feel in the moment, and what the situation is like for you.

12 Focusing on your breathing can help you settle your feelings in several ways. First, you must turn your full attention to your breathing, so you cannot think about other situations or experiences. Second, focusing on your breathing allows your mind to get enough oxygen to think clearly. Third, breathing slowly and deeply allows your body to lower your heart rate and feel more calm! Lead students through one of these breathing exercises (use actual bubbles or pinwheels if possible) Bubble breathing: Imagine that you are blowing bubbles. Take a slow, deep breath in, inhaling fully. Imagine that you are blowing through a bubble wand to make the biggest bubble you’ve ever seen. Blow out your breath slowly and completely, letting your lungs empty the air you inhaled. Do this 5 times. Pinwheel breathing: Hold your pinwheel in front of your mouth. Take a slow, deep breath in, filling your lungs. Blow all of your breath out slowly into the pinwheel. Watch the pinwheel spin as you blow out your breath. Do this 5 times. Cake breathing: Imagine that there is a tasty birthday cake in front of you. Take a slow, deep breath in, smelling the cake. Slowly blow out all of your breath, blowing out the candles on the birthday cake. Do this 5 times.

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