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AIM: Could the Civil War have been avoided?

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Presentation on theme: "AIM: Could the Civil War have been avoided?"— Presentation transcript:

1 AIM: Could the Civil War have been avoided?
Road to Civil War AIM: Could the Civil War have been avoided?

2 “Of the American Civil War, it may safely be said that there was a single cause, slavery.”

3 Causes of the War Slave Power v. Republicans
States Rights and Nationalism Economic Sectionalism Blundering Politicians and Irresponsible Agitators The Right and Wrong of Slavery Majority Rule and Minority Rule Conflict of Cultures

4 I. How effective was compromise in dealing with the slave issue?
History 1. 3/5ths compromise 2. Bicameral Legislature 3. Commerce Compromise 4. Northwest Ordinance 1787 5. Missouri Compromise 1820

5 B. Mexican Cession Wilmot Proviso
a. Proposed no slavery in new territory. b. Defeated

6 C. Free Soil Party 1848

7 D. Gold Rush in CA, 1849 Compromise of 1850 a. CA Free State
b. Stricter Fugitive Slave Law 1) Liberty Laws in Massachusetts

8 E. Uncle Tom’s Cabin - 1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe
“You’re the little lady that started this big war”

9 F. Ostend Manifesto 1854 Take over Cuba and make it a slave state
Sig: imperialistic tendency

10 G. Kansas Nebraska Act

11 1. Stephen Douglas’ Kansas Nebraska Act - 1854
Popular Sovereignty: allows people in territory to vote on allowing slavery. Overturns Missouri Compromise


13 2. Birth of the Republican Party - 1854

14 3. “Bleeding Kansas” Pro-slavery v. Anti Slavery forces
“Powattomie Creek Massacre” “Bleeding Kansas”

15 d. New England Emigration Society:
e. LeCompton Constitution – ProSlavery “Rallying Cry for anti-slavery activists.”

16 4. Brooks-Sumner Affair -1856

17 II. Road to Civil War Dred Scott Case - 1857 1. Facts:
2. Judge Taney ‘s Opinion: a. Slaves are not citizens b. Slaves are property c. Missouri Comp is unconstitutional

18 B. Lincoln Douglas Debates 1858
Illinois senate race Douglas – Democrat Lincoln – Republican Makes Lincoln a national name. Douglas alienates southern Democrats due to “Freeport Doctrine” a. KS-NE allows citizens to choose slavery or not vs. Dred Scott decision. "A house divided against itself cannot stand." I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved -- I do not expect the house to fall -- but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other.

19 C. John Brown’s Raid Harper’s Ferry, VA Failed slave uprising


21 AIM: How effective was compromise in solving the nation’s growing divisions in the period 1840-1860?

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