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Membership Strategy Increase new clubs and members in clubs.

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1 Membership Strategy Increase new clubs and members in clubs.
District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018

2 The Member Experience and SIAs Brand
District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018

3 The Member Experience and SIAs Brand
What  do you think about when you see this brand?  Does it immediately call something to mind. Why is it important to have a brand that is known for something? What are some other Brands that are recognized immediately and brings about a thought of service or something they stand for? (Tom's shoes, Lexus/Mercedes, Eagle Forum) District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018

4 The Member Experience and SIAs Brand
What is SIA's Brand?  Is it the women and girls we help?  Do people immediately think about that?  That is why it is important for all Clubs to all be working on the Dream Programs and expand it so we touch more women and girls.  If we grow our membership, it is easier to grow our Collective Impact that SIA should be known for. PURPOSE District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018

5 The Member Experience and SIAs Brand
What   is your Club's Brand for membership?   Is it welcoming and inviting?  Do members get to learn new things in your Club?  Does the same person always chair the same Committees?  Do you have co-chairs for new members to learn?  Do you have FUN? POSITIVE EXPERIENCE District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018

MEMBER EXPERIENCE District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018

7 Build an Emotional Connection to Members
If members are not engaged quickly, you often lose them.  How do you engage members? District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018

8 Prove You Appreciate Customers
Members are like customers.  Everyone wants to be appreciated.  How do you show appreciation in your Clubs?  Do you show appreciation by always giving that person more to do?  Cards or comments are a great way to show appreciation. District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018

9 Encourage Engagement District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018
How do you encourage engagement?  Are new members afraid to raise their hand because they don't know how the committee works?  How can you encourage them to participate? District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018

10 Get Feedback and Listen
SIA recommends that Clubs at least once a year use a survey to get feedback.  You can develop your own survey or there is one at When you get that feedback, what do you do with it?  Do you try new things that may be suggested?  Change day or time of meetings?  Include more fun and fellowship in your meetings, or have meetings that are just fun or get to know you meetings. District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018

11 The Diamond Campaign: Shining Our Way to the 2nd Century
Phase I: June 1, 2018 – May 31, 2019 Phase II: June 1, 2019 – May 31, 2020 Phase III: June 1, 2020 – May 31, 2021 The new Membership Campaign is the Diamond Campaign.  We want all our clubs to shine in our communities and grow into the 2nd Century of Soroptimists. As you can see SIA has plans until 2022.  In 2021 is the 100th Birthday of Soroptimists and they are planning a big Celebration which we will hear more about in the next couple of years. Phase IV: June 1, 2021 – May 31, 2022 District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018

12 The Diamond Campaign: Phase I Goals
-1% net change in membership More than 13% new members added Less than 14% terminated members More than 1 new chartered club per region annually Our goals for Phase I is: Less than 1% net change in membership ---  don't loose overall membership More than 13% new members added Less than 14% terminated members More than 1 new chartered Club per region annually.  We need help with this.  Talk to your Clubs and see where you might have connections and can start a club.  Bring this information to the Board or Membership Chair, Pat Murdoch.  We have lots of help to help Clubs start a new Club.  District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018

13 100 New Clubs by SIA’s 100th Anniversary
Shared objective among 28 regions Regions have until October 3, 2021 to attain this objective Regions forming more than one club annually will be recognized and incentivized The objectives to get us into the 2nd Century are shared within all 28 regions that make up SIA.   We have until our 100th Anniversary, October 3, 2021 to obtain these objectives. If we form more than one Club in our Region annually, we will be recognized. District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018

14 SIA Driven Tactics to Support You
Tools and Templates We have lots of help to support these objectives.  You may ask how can my Club start a new Club.  There are lots of tools and templates on the SIA website to help us.  Our Membership Chair is here to help and the SIA staff is great support.  We have a Public Awareness Chair that is great at getting the word out in a new Community. The RMR Board is here also to help you starting a new Club.   Develop and Train Region Membership Chairs Staff Support District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018

15 SIA Driven Tactics to Support You
Here are some tactics to think about as you look at growing your Club and possibly starting a new Club Research District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018

16 Baby Boomers: Generational Profile
Born: Age range in 2017: 53-71 General outlook: Optimistic Born: Age range in 2017: General outlook: Optimistic Baby Boomer Characteristics Values Individual choice Community involvement Prosperity Ownership Self-actualizing Health and wellness Attributes Adaptive Goal-oriented Focus on individual choices and freedom Adaptive to a diverse workplace Positive attitude Work styles Confidence in tasks Emphasize team-building Seek collaborative, group decision making Avoid conflict District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018

17 Generation X: Generational Profile
Born Age range in 2017: Generational Outlook: Skeptical Characteristics of Generation X Values Contribution Feedback and recognition Autonomy Time with manager Attributes Adaptability Independence Work style High-quality end results Productivity Balance between work and life Flexible work hours/job sharing appealing Free agents See self as a marketable commodity Comfortable with authority but not impressed with titles Technically competent Internal promotion Ethnic diversity District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018

18 Millennials: Generational Profile
Born Age range in 2017: 17-35 Generational Outlook: Hopeful Characteristics of Millennials Values Self-expression is more important than self-control Marketing and branding self is important Seek to balance lifestyle and work, with more focus on lifestyle Respect must be earned; it is not freely granted based on age, authority or title Attributes Adapt rapidly and are resilient Crave change and challenge Create constantly Committed and loyal when dedicated to an idea, cause or product Accept others of diverse backgrounds easily and openly Global in perspective Work style Want to know how what they do fits into the big picture Need to understand how everything fits together View their work as an expression of themselves, not as a definition of themselves Exceptional multi-taskers—need more than one activity happening at a time Seek flexibility in work hours and dress code What can you do to help them feel comfortable and valued? District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018

19 Friends and Family Target Profile
Soroptimist members are important. Not only do they execute our mission and help numerous women and girls throughout the world, but they are also the best spokeswomen when it comes to recruiting new members. Studies have shown people will get involved with an organization because someone they know personally asked them. Family: Mothers, daughters, aunts, cousins, daughters-in-law, sisters, nieces, sisters-in-law, granddaughters, etc. Friends: You know who your friends are! Merriam- Webster defines a friend as a person who you like and enjoy being with, one attached to another by affection or esteem, and a favored companion. They are your best buddies. Neighbors: Your neighbors are part of your community and are likely invested in giving back through volunteering! You probably have a friendly relationship with them. Co-workers: The people you work with can be part of the prospective member pool. If you are retired or you have former co- workers who are retired, you can still ask them to join Soroptimist. Award recipients: Soroptimist awards are life-changing, and recipients often express an interest in remaining in contact with clubs. Keep the amazing women engaged by asking them to participate in club programs and events. Donors: Add to your prospect list the names of donors and individuals who have supported club fundraisers or charity drives. Former members: Review old rosters and select names of past members who might be interested in renewing their membership. Local nonprofits or women’s groups: Invite associates involved in other volunteer and women’s organizations to attend events so they have the opportunity to learn more about Soroptimist. Other contacts: This includes anyone else in your circle such as volunteers who have helped with a club event or project. 10/13/2018 District I/II Fall Meeting 2018

20 Being Flexible: It’s better to bend than to break
For all of us, Soroptimist is an important part of our life. We are passionate about improving the lives of women and girls and working together with like-minded women. With all of the demands in our life, and despite our best intentions, we can stretch ourselves too thin. But it doesn’t need to be Soroptimist especially if your club does one thing: BE FLEXIBLE. Meetings: Try a different meeting venue or time of day. Consider using an online service to host a business meeting or conference call. Programs & Events: Provide options for different levels of time commitment for members to participate. Members should be appreciated for any amounts of time they can offer. Communications: Use social media to keep members who miss a meeting informed and up-to-date about the club. Finances: Offer payment options (like monthly or quarterly payments) for club dues. Consider alternative ways of accepting payments besides cash and check, Square or Venmo. Personal Circumstances: Realize that a member’s ability to participate may change over time. Don’t make assumptions. Survey: Conduct a survey to find out any underlying issues where the club can be more considerate– try using the Club Assessment Tools to find out where improvements can be made. Being flexible aligns with the lifestyles of today’s active women and will increase member satisfaction. Our clubs will run more harmoniously when flexibility is practiced and everyone: accepts that members can be involved at varied levels of engagement, recognizes each member gives what she can, and avoids casting negativity when someone cannot provide as much time, talent, and treasure as others. Improving the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment. District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018

21 Recruitment Tip: 5 Easy Steps to Making the Most of the MemberSHIP Recruitment Campaign
Has your club gotten on board the MemberSHIP? We know that there is a lot of information to digest, so if you are not sure where to begin, the following five steps will get you off to a great start! Perform a Club Assessment and use the Healthy Club Resources. Get to know the 4 target groups, how to best communicate and market Soroptimist to them, and identify prospects. Make contact and/or hold an event – using the promotional materials! Ask prospects to join your club! 5. Welcome new members and provide an orientation. Has your club gotten on board the MemberSHIP? Are you taking advantage of all the available information on the recruitment campaign webpage at: We know that there is a lot of information to digest, so if you are not sure where to begin, the following five steps will get you off to a great start! Perform a Club Assessment and use the Healthy Club Resources. you need a club culture that is open, flexible, and positive! Get to know the 4 target groups, how to best communicate and market Soroptimist to them, and identify prospects. Millenials Gen X Baby boomers Friends and family Make contact and/or hold an event – using the promotional materials! In order to bring in new members, you’ll have to contact them directly and ask them to a meeting or other club event! Keep this first event short and sweet—remember to respect the time of your potential members while they’re making up their mind. Utilize SIA’S designed flyers and other promotional materials that you can customize to include your own club’s information, posting your local community, and hand out to advertise your next event. Ask prospects to join your club! After that first contact, or during your recruitment event, be sure to follow-up and ask your recruits to join the club! That sounds simple, but it’s an essential moment in the recruitment process. Welcome new members and provide an orientation. Remember, retention starts on a member’s first day. There is a lot to learn about our wonderful organization! Be sure to provide orientation to your new members so that they’ll be confident in their Soroptimist knowledge and engagement, and consider assigning them a mentor. District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018

22 District I/II Fall Meeting 2018

23 District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018
If you take risks and they don't work, you can always go back to the way you did it before.  Members will certainly know you are flexible if we do this.   Sometimes the new thing worked okay, but if we tweek it, it could be really great! District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018

24 District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018
Think if all 560 members of the Rocky Mountain Region were to dream together and made the growth in our Clubs a reality.  What would happen then?  We could attract more $ with more members and help more Women and Girls.  Let's get to the goal of our Collective Impact of 500,000 Women and Girls with improved education by 2021!!! District I/II Fall Meeting 2018 10/13/2018

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