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Britton’s and Wilson’s BREAKING NEWSletter

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Presentation on theme: "Britton’s and Wilson’s BREAKING NEWSletter"— Presentation transcript:

1 Britton’s and Wilson’s BREAKING NEWSletter
October 31st – November 4th ELA:  We will begin our wondering/questioning unit. Our texts this week are titled The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses and The Emperor Kite. We will continue to work on revising/editing our personal narratives (a true life story). Vocabulary: belongings: things someone owns, or things that belong to someone else. faint: not clear or strong. If something is faint, it is difficult to see, hear, or smell. Faint also means to feel dizzy or lose consciousness. cling: hold onto something or someone very tightly. roam: wander or move around without any purpose or place to go. joyful: full of joy or very happy. sorrowful: full of sorrow or very sad. Math: Our math skill this week is using the distributive property to break down the area of a square or rectangle. Announcements: We are collecting box tops. Please contribute if possible. Thanks in advance! Please remember to send a snack with your child each day. Snacks are also available for purchase (50 cents each). We will have a student holiday on Tuesday, November 8th. Exercise your right and cast your vote that day! We will begin a canned food drive November 7th. Buy something to contribute to a needy family! Join Remind by to This is how we send out reminders/announcements. Test Dates: Math – 1st Fact Fluency Test for 2nd 9 weeks. ISP on Area on Wednesday. NO ELA ASSESSMENTS THIS WEEK. I can statements: I can tell time to the last minute and calculate intervals of time. I can visualize from a passage. I can ask and answer questions about a passage. I can reread for information. I can recognize a pronoun. Handy Homework Be sure to encourage your child to read each night. They should be reading at least 20 minutes. Ask your child about what they are reading and what is happening in their book. They love to share their reading knowledge with you! All ELA homework is due on THURSDAY. Grammar review practice sheet #1 Grammar review practice sheet #2 Reading comprehension worksheet Math Homework: Monday : No Homework. Be safe! Tuesday: Homework #1 Distributive Property and Study Guide Wednesday: Exit ticket on Distributive Property Thursday: Fact Fluency Test tomorrow over 0’s,1’s, 2’s, 3’s, 5’s, 6’s, and 10’s. Exit ticket p. 8.

2 Britton’s and Wilson’s BREAKING NEWSletter
October 31st – Nov. 4th Math I can: use the distributive property to find the area of a rectangle or a square. multiply and divide using 0’s, 1’s, 2’s, 3’s, 5’s, 6’s, and 10’s. Helpful Websites: I can statements: I can tell time to the last minute and calculate intervals of time. I can visualize from a passage. I can ask and answer questions about a passage. I can reread for information. I can recognize a pronoun. ELA Standards I can: Ask and answer questions about a text Determine the main idea of a text and explain the key details and explain how they support the main idea Reread a story for information Compare and contrast two stories Make a text to self connection Make a text to text connection Use the text to make inferences Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences

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