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Presentation on theme: "FAO –IGG –WG ON ORGANIC TEA."— Presentation transcript:

PRESENTATION OF THE DECISIONS OF WORKING GROUP ON ORGANIC TEA Inter sessional Meeting scheduled for 15-16th October, 2015

2 The group agreed that the way forward is green farming methods and gradual
reduction of Pesticide and Chemical fertilizers. Research and development has to be made to steadily improve for the organic production Nutritional requirement for supplementing fertilizers and Research on the value added manure to increase the yield by supplementing the nutrition should continue. Joint research and development, and information sharing among organic tea producing countries to be co-ordinated by the IGG/Tea secretariat. Market promotion internationally Marketing issues to be dealt with WG on Trade and quality. With IGG/Tea secretariat. and task force to monitor the world organic Tea demand. Proper identification of niche market that are ready to compensate the farmer for the reduced yield and Higher Cost Of Production Positive publicity of organic tea in the media Certification. Organic tea standard and certification should be recognized internationally.

3 Thank You

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