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Presentation on theme: "QUALITATIVE Research Plan"— Presentation transcript:

1 QUALITATIVE Research Plan
By: Jenevieve Chavira COM 615

2 Mission statement To serve customers and communities with innovative and continuously improved products while offering quick premium service SITUATION ANALYSIS Markets a high quality sandwich for a high price Decrease in sales Must make an appeal to the growing health conscious market Emphasis on customization Offer new healthy alternatives

To learn why other competitors have taken the lead and to find out why consumers choose those competitors over Quiznos

4 Research Plan: FOCUS GROUP
The Method- In-depth Interviews Questions will be: pertain to Quiznos’s competitors relative to product preferences relative to discount prices Relative to the option of customized orders Sample Questions: When you think of purchasing a sandwich, what is the first place of choice that comes to mind? Why? Would you go to Quiznos more often if they offered healthier options? Do you prefer to customize your own sandwich or combinatory platter?

5 Research Plan: Focus Group
Participants Semi-health conscious individuals Group will be ages of 18-50 Total of 5 individuals Procedures First question must be addressed to all responders When you think of purchasing a sandwich, what is the first place of choice that comes to mind? Why? Proceed with open-ended questions Setting 1-2 people per group meeting Responders will be interviewed individually Local Starbucks or Panera Bread Means of Recording Notes will be taken each session Return On Investment Negotiated Value Method

6 Research Plan: Focus Group
Avoiding Moderator Bias Zero relation to moderator Moderator must maintain neutrality Zero opinions and verbal responses Avoidance of leading questions Avoidance of question order bias

7 Research Plan: Focus Group
Analytical Methods Data Grouping Separate Information Categorically Compare Findings Theory Implications Chart Data for Presentation

8 The End

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