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Ascribed values of child-bearing:

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1 Ascribed values of child-bearing:
Integration of FP into health and development programs Evidence-based and co-created: Youth-adult partnership to reduce unmet need for contraception among married girls in rural Ethiopia Bethelhem Mulushoa, Smart Start Insight Sr. Coordinator, PSI Ethiopia 1. BACKGROUND 4. RESULTS Four Insights were the main findings: Adolescent 360 is a program aiming to increase voluntary mcpr among 15-19yrs old adolescents 24% of Ethiopian women have had sexual debut before age 15 and, by age 18, a full 62% have. Knowledge of Methods- (97.5% among year olds), use is just 31.4% of young married girls use a modern method. Just 12.9% of current non-users discussed family planning when last seen by a fieldworker, and 3.9% did when seen at a facility. Ascribed values of child-bearing: In it together: 2. MAIN QUESTION Uncertainty about changing times: Changing aspirations: “The aim of marriage is to have children and make our husbands happy.” —PARENT, TIGRAY “It’s a must to have the first baby as soon as possible after marriage.” —MARRIED GIRL, OROMIA “If a girl doesn’t have babies, [the husband] will leave her.” —MARRIED GIRL, ADDIS We asked: 1) What are the cultural understandings of puberty, sexual debut, marriage, contraceptive use, sexuality, childbearing, and maturity and adulthood that influence the contraceptive motivations, emotional experiences, cognition, and behaviours of adolescent girls? “Having the first child is respect. You start to be called by the name of your child.” — UNMARRIED GIRL, OROMIA “It is better to have a job and more wealth before having more children.” — HUSBAND, OROMIA “It’s good to learn [about contraception] together. I’d want us both to know!” — HUSBAND, OROMIA 5. KNOWLEDGE CONTRIBUTION 2) What are adolescent girls’ SRH life trajectories The findings have supported design of the Smart Start intervention Smart Mobilization: Uniting communities around a cause they can get behind—financial stability and healthy families—and enlisting community support to reach young couples in the kebele.. 3. METHODS Qualitative Formative research was conducted in four regions of Ethiopia: Tigray, Afar, Oromia and Addis Ababa Youth engagement throughout the process of the program design was applied. Different techniques from really supported the discussion with to understand feeling of the communities on the discussions. Smart Positioning: Facilitating conversations with married adolescent girls and their husbands to reframe family planning as smart planning. SRH- Sexual Reproductive Health Mcpr- Modern contraception Prevalence rate Adolescents 360 @Adolescents360

2 Ten Simple Rules for a Good Poster Presentation
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