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Secretary/Bookkeeper In-Service 2018-19
Procurement Services Travel, Records, Print Shop & Mail Room, Purchasing & Contracts, August 1, 2018
Procurement Services Team
Phillip Ellison, Executive Director (x 6470) RECORDS Tracy Maning (6468) Gerardo Rochin (6482) MAIL ROOM Susan Collins - Mail Room (6139) PRINT SHOP Sana Fakes - Print Shop (6120) VENDOR CONTRACTS/BIDS Geralyn Mosely, Director, Purchasing & Contracts (6476) Brian Broussard, Contract Specialist (6471) PURCHASING Cindy Kercheval, Buyer II (6475) Rhonda Mitchell, Buyer I (6467) Erica Banda, Buyer I (6489) TRAVEL Kay Wurdeman, Travel (6472) TBD Executive Secretary to Phillip Ellison (6465)
Travel Kay Wurdeman
Staff Travel Travel Request Form Signatures required prior to booking
Legal names required (as shown on DL) Time frame (4 weeks minimum) Travel Advance Request Submit request to Finance ASAP for Hotel and Auto Rentals, etc. if needed Keep original receipts for all purchases Cancellation Form Employee liable for all travel expenses if cancellation not approved Air Reservations District pays airfare with Corporate credit card 4-week advance notice minimum for lower rates District pays for 2 checked bags only Auto Rentals Personal credit card required (do not use debit cards; cash not accepted) Do not purchase additional insurance (covered by District insurance) Hotel Expenses District reserves room only Employee pays for the expense of the entire stay upon check-out Hotels sometimes place a certain amount on hold for “incidentals” (personal credit card (recommended) or debit card required)
Spring ISD Group Travel Reservations
Groups with over fifteen travelers make air ,hotel, and ground transportation arrangements through the District's contracted vendors for Group Travel. Please refer to the District's Contract Reporter database to identify the authorized vendors for Group Travel and their respective contact information. Help/Training Call the Travel Coordinator (ext. 6472) or with specific questions and/or requests. Please telephone instead of ing when requesting unplanned travel. The Travel Request form is located on the District website under Departments/Procurement/Travel.
Records Management Gerardo Rochin
Records Management Overview
What’s the main function of Records Management? The management of information throughout its life cycle (creation, retention and disposition) What’s the main responsibility of Records Management? Regulatory compliance and minimizing risk What is a Records Management Liaison (RML) Designated person that assists other staff members with the procedures of records disposition. Provide guidance identifying retention schedules of different documents. Who is the RML? Registrar – student academic records Secretary – Purchase Requisitions, Personnel, etc. Other: Health, Attendance, Sped, Field Trips, Grade Books, Etc.
Records Management Records Disposition Methods: Shredding
A Disposition Log is required. Non-Records (copies) Retention (retention period has not been met yet) Temporary Permanent
Records Management Use School Dude to submit a pick up order.
Box pick-up Requests Use School Dude to submit a pick up order. Orders are first reviewed and approved by Records Management before they are released ensuring that labels and/or disposition logs have been provided. Labels Permanent and Temporary Retention Records Labels need to be filled out electronically A disposition log is required White SISD Records boxes required Records Shred or Non-Records Shred Labels can be filled out manually or electronically Copy paper boxes are allowed
Records Management Records Room Review
Begin in August with Secondary campuses Things to keep in mind for the review: Organization of records Records filed/labeled appropriately System in place for timely response to requests (e.g. PIA requests, audits, etc.) Records room should only contain current school year + 5 years of archive records on site.
Records Management Training New hire training Fall 2018 April 2019
Provided on a 1:1 as needed basis (call Records Specialist ext. 6468) Fall 2018 RML Round Table meeting to discuss common records and best practices for campuses and departments Review TSLAC Schedules (retention/destruction requirements) April 2019 Registrars Training w/Data Management about End of Year Procedures
Records Management Official Records Call (due at the end of July)
Student Academic Permanent Records Call Records (High Schools) General Records Call Schools and Departments
Records Management Resources Posted on the Records Management website:
Procedures Disposition Logs (new) Label forms Training videos Etc. > Departments > Records Management
Records Specialist (TBD) (6468)
Contact Information: Records Specialist (TBD) (6468) Gerardo Rochin (6482), Or
Mail Room and Print Shop
Susan Collins and Sana Fakes
Mailroom Susan Collins ext. 6139
Mail Room Services Daily interoffice mail Each campus has a mailbag that is brought to GMALC, sorted out each day and delivered to departments and campuses within the district on the following day. Bulk mail - at least 200 generic pieces as low as $0.13 each (e.g. - newsletters) General postage – must have postal center form w/ budget code Send any amount of unstamped mail to Mailroom along with budget code and she will meter mail at standard postage rate and send to post office if received by 1 p.m. cut-off time. Other - If you provide window envelopes, we can insert the mail, meter, and deliver to post office.(e.g. - Report Cards) Mailroom Hours: Regular Hours 7:30 am. to 4:30 pm. Summer Hours 7:00 am. to 5:00 pm. Call Susan for assistance before you begin any mail out
Print Shop Sana Fakes ext. 6120
Print Shop services available to all campus and administrative departments Submittal can be online only Print Shop Portal (New) Online Request Form (New) Business Cards (New) Icon/link (Print Shop Portal) under (Employee Menu) Order Submission Instructional video (New) Print Shop Price List Print Shop Request Form Services available: B&W and Color copies Tabs NCR 2, 3, & 4 part Business Card Heat bind, Padding, Cutting, Etc.
Purchasing Cindy Kercheval, Rhonda Mitchell, and Erica Banda
What’s New in Purchasing
Purchase Order Quote Requirements & Threshold Updates Penny Line Contract Reporter Ricoh Duplicator Service and Supply Request Form
Purchasing – Threshold Update
Purchase Requisitions New Vendor Add packet – UPDATED (Employee contact needed) Detailed descriptions in body of Req. – What is being purchased? Reference “procurement method” (justification) in Comments Field. Sole Source justifications – Seldom Exists (vendor letter, NEW sole source justification packet, required every fiscal year) hrs. processing upon receipt by Procurement Services Purchasing Thresholds Under $10,000 ( 1 Quote required) NEW! $10,000 - $49,999 (Bid #’s, Co-op Contract, Quotes/Bid Tab, Professional Service, Inter-local Agreement, or SISD Sole Source Justification packet). $50,000 and over / 12-month aggregate (Competitive Bids) or Co-op Contract.
Purchasing (cont’d) Improper Purchases Notifications
Customer Service Site Visits Improper Purchases Notifications Cannot engage with a vendor unless a Purchase Order and Services Contract (when applicable) has been issued May be personally liable for payment of purchase Campus secretary/bookkeeper should be involved in campus purchases Change/Cancellation Request Will not be processed unless the form is signed by Principal/Director Justification will be required once $10,000 threshold is met
Contract Reporter (CR)
Contract Reporter has a new look and a few new features. The next slides will review the two new search functions “Starts with” and “Contains” and also the new “Quick Reference Guides.” There are now 25 vendors listed per page for easy viewing. Contract reporter is located on the Spring ISD website at
CR Search Function – “Starts with”
In the next two slides you will see utilizing the “Starts with” function and typing “Lakeshore” the result is all 5 current bids that active for this vendor. From these results the user now has the ability to review multiple categories to determine the right contract to procure resources. In the event the user does not find the right procurement source, the option to select “New Search” will route them back to the Contract Reporter home page.
CR Search Function – “Starts with”
CR Search Result – “Starts With”
CR Search Function – “Contains”
In the next two slides you will see utilizing the “Contains” function and typing “Books”, the result is a list of all current vendors with the word “Books” in their company name. The user now has the ability to find a current vendor with knowing a small portion of the vendor name. In the event the user does not find the right procurement source, the option to select “New Search” will route them back to the Contract Reporter home page
CR Search Function – “Contains”
CR Search Results – “Contains” (Results for this slide is just a small sample of the total number of vendors.)
CR- Quick Reference Guide
Quick Reference Guides were created to help the user understand the terms each vendor agreed to offer to the District. This terms can include pricing, shipping & handling, and any deviations that may impact price. The guides aid you the user to help make an informed decision that will result in determining the best value for the District. The guides will be updated for each renewal term. Users can access the guides by selecting “Quick Reference Guide” in the lower right hand corner of each vendor description.
CR –Quick Reference Guide
CR-Quick Reference Guide
Purchasing (cont’d) Ricoh Copiers (Equipment Leases / Maintenance Agreements) Procurement Services pays for lease and maintenance for campus workroom copiers; Campus/department pays for other copiers (e.g. front office copiers) Equipment Leases (non-workroom copiers) - Invoices paid annually in advance. Purchasing generates the Purchase Requisition on behalf of campus/dept. Equipment Maintenance - Includes cost for printing (click charges), supplies, and support. Invoices paid quarterly in arrears for actual copies made. Purchasing processes invoices for payment and informs campus/dept. of charges incurred. – May be used to report meter reads; order copier supplies; request service. In-District Ricoh service technicians provide support and training
Contact Rhonda Mitchell (x6467) for assistance with copier matters
Purchasing (cont’d) Ricoh cont. Duplicator Service & Supply Requests Sign-in into Click on the Employee menu (bottom) Click the Financial Services icon Click the Procurement page (top of page) Click on Ricoh Duplicator Service Request Contact Rhonda Mitchell (x6467) for assistance with copier matters
Contracts Phillip Ellison
Services Contract (for services only; not goods)
Contract documents Purchase Order (P.O.) Services Contract (for services only; not goods) Supporting documents (e.g. Informal Bid Tabulation form; Vendor Quotes; Vendor Proposal; Sole Source documents; etc.) NOTE: Acceptance of goods/services prior to establishing a fully executed contract and duly authorized P.O. is an “improper purchase”.
Generating a Spring ISD Services Contract
Access Services Contract (fillable template) – District web page> Departments>Procurement Services>Purchasing/Contracts > Forms (Contracts) Fill in the required areas of the Services Contract* Submit to vendor a copy of the Services Contract (in PDF format) for signature Prepare the Signature Routing Form and submit three (3) copies of contract (along w/ 1 copy of supporting documents) through signature process Generate a Purchase Requisition in eFinance and attach copy of fully executed (i.e. signed by District and vendor) contract and supporting documents Submit to vendor one (1) copy of the fully executed contract for their record *IMPORTANT! Information on contract must be detailed and comprehensive Who? What? Where? When? How? How Much?
Authorized Signatories / Purchasing Agents – Policy CH (LOCAL)
Board President Superintendent of Schools Chief Financial Officer Purchasing Agents Buyer II – PO’s under $10K Purchasing Director – PO’s $10K and over NOTE: Authorized signatories are the only individuals authorized to sign contracts and legally bind the District.
Exception to using Spring ISD Services Contract
Complex engagement requiring unique business, legal, or industry terms AND Contractor has an existing “boilerplate agreement” (standard written agreement) EXAMPLES: Hotel agreements for District events, equipment rental agreements, senior class activities, trips, etc.
Criminal Background History Reviews
Required by Texas Education Code (TEC) Ch (per Senate Bill 9) Contractors who will have “continuing duties” under a services contract AND “direct contact” with students Contractors responsible for certifying review of criminal background history Contractor staff not to provide service if they have been convicted of felony or misdemeanor offense per TEC Section (a) “Continuing Duties” = Providing services in District grounds beyond 1 calendar day “Direct Contact” = Any activity that may provide substantial opportunity for physical OR verbal interaction with students and is not supervised by a professional District employee
Geralyn Mosely & Brian Broussard
Solicitations / Bids Geralyn Mosely & Brian Broussard
Requirements for Bids Competitively Bid Contracts (Request for Proposals – RFP; Request for Qualifications – RFQ) Required for goods/services with an annual aggregate spend $50K and over Promotes equal opportunity/competition among vendors Purpose is to award vendor contract(s) on basis of “best value” 3-month process - approx. (Generating specs. through contract award) Contract Reporter database references vendors awarded Spring ISD contracts through bid process (“Contracted Vendors”). Just because they’re in eFinance does not mean they’re a contacted vendor. Spring ISD contract # to be referenced on P.O.’s
Purchasing Cooperatives (“Co-ops”)
Interlocal agreements allowing schools/departments to engage with Co-op contracted vendors without requiring multiple quotes or competitive bid process To obtain quote, contact the sales rep. referenced on the Co-op website for the given contract Quote must reference the Co-op contract # Co-ops Authorized by Spring ISD Board of Trustees: - BuyBoard (TASB) - US Communities - Choice Partners (HCDE) - HGAC - State Contracts (TXMAS) - DIR - E&I - NJPA - TCPN (Region 4 ESC) - Region 11 ESC - TPASS - CTPA
Vending Machine Contracts
Coke Customer Service: Machine Refills / Repair Order Replenishment Donations Request General Questions Account Manager: John Caldwell Office: Sales Manager Leza Narducci Office: Child Nutrition Helen Brown
All forms related to Procurement Services can be found on their respective web pages
NEW WEBSITE! Procurement Services is diligently working at making all purchasing documents (forms, users guides, and training materials) available on the Procurement Services website. - CHECK US OUT and let us know what you think!
Thank You and Have a Great Year!
Strive for Excellence!
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