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Before his closing remarks, Atticus “unhitched his watch and chain and placed them on the table...he unbuttoned his vest, unbuttoned his collar, loosened.

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Presentation on theme: "Before his closing remarks, Atticus “unhitched his watch and chain and placed them on the table...he unbuttoned his vest, unbuttoned his collar, loosened."— Presentation transcript:

1 Before his closing remarks, Atticus “unhitched his watch and chain and placed them on the table...he unbuttoned his vest, unbuttoned his collar, loosened his tie….” Atticus probably did this because The courtroom was so hot he was sweating through his clothing He wanted the jury to connect with him and see him as a common man The men on the jury were looking down at his cheap clothing and watch The Judge asked him to

2 What literary device is Atticus using when he says, “This case is as simple as black and white”
Connotation Pun Alliteration

3 As Atticus begins his closing remarks, Scout notices that his voice had “lost its aridity, its detachment, and he was talking to the jury as if they were folks on the post office corner” shows at this moment that Atticus is….

4 “She is a victim of cruel poverty and ignorance, but I cannot pity her: she is white” Atticus is primarily using what Rhetorical device here Ethos Pathos Logos

5 Underline the use of personification

6 Underline the use of personification
Put a star next to any similes. What’s the purpose of his similes

7 Underline the use of personification
Put a star next to any similes. What’s the purpose of his similes How does Atticus first portray Mayella? What changes in his description later?

8 Underline the use of personification
Put a star next to any similes. What’s the purpose of his similes How does Atticus first portray Mayella? What changes in his description later? What is atticus’ attitude toward Bob Ewell in this paragraph? Box evidence to support your belief

9 Underline the use of personification
Put a star next to any similes. What’s the purpose of his similes How does Atticus first portray Mayella? What changes in his description later? What is atticus’ attitude toward Bob Ewell in this paragraph? Box evidence to support your belief Find two moments where Atticus uses repetition.

10 Underline the use of personification
Put a star next to any similes. What’s the purpose of his similes How does Atticus first portray Mayella? What changes in his description later? What is atticus’ attitude toward Bob Ewell in this paragraph? Box evidence to support your belief Find two moments where Atticus uses repetition. Why does Atticus want the Jury to review the evidence without passion?

11 Important! Find all the Ethos, Logos, & Pathos in Atticus’s arguments

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