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Some of the “C” words.

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Presentation on theme: "Some of the “C” words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some of the “C” words

2 What is a Chromosome? Structure containing the genetic material (DNA) within a cell Are always present in a cell, but usually are too thin to be seen

3 Chromosome Structure DNA exists in the form of CHROMATIN for most of the cell’s life Long strands of DNA wrapped around protein molecules When a cell is getting ready to divide, chromatin coils, thickening and shortening to form CHROMOSOMES

4 Chromosome Structure CHROMATID – exact copies of DNA
CENTROMERE – holds sister chromatids together

5 Chromosome Number How many chromosomes are in each of your cells?
Humans = 46 23 from mother’s egg, 23 from father’s sperm AUTOSOMES – chromosome pairs 1-22 “Non-sex” chromosomes SEX CHROMOSOMES – pair #23 Determines the sex/gender of individual XX = female XY = male

6 Karyotypes A picture showing all chromosomal pairs for an individual

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