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Social Network Analysis

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1 Social Network Analysis
Basic concepts. Data and analysis. Example

2 Basic concepts Social Network analysis (SNA) is the mapping and measuring of relationships between social actors (e.g., individuals, organizations) Nodes are social actors. Edges/Ties are the relationships Egocentric v.s Sociocentric

3 Data Collection Interview, survey, documents, diaries, observations
Sociocentric: Saturation surveys (with a list of actors or free-recall) Egocentric Name Generator and Interpreter: ask the focal actor for names of people he/she is connected with; these alters are interviewed to report their characteristics, their relationships with the focal actor, how do they interconnect with each other. Concern: accuracy People are bad at recalling interactions in a specific time frame. A tie can be denied by an actor.

4 Data Analysis Cohesion: the interconnectedness of actors in a network.
Distance: the number of ties that connects two actors Reachability: the extent to which an actor is related to others. Density: # of ties/possible # of ties

5 Data Analysis A clique is a subgroup of actors who are directly connected with each other and no additional actor in the network is connected to all members of that subgroup

6 Data Analysis Centrality measures identify the most prominent actors
Degree: # of ties an actor has Closeness: # of ties that connect an actor with other all actors Betweenness: # of times an actor connects two other actors.

7 The Framingham Heart Study 5124 subjects, 53,228 family/social ties.
Christakis, N. A., & Fowler, J. H. (2008). The collective dynamics of smoking in a large social network. New England journal of medicine, 358(21), The Framingham Heart Study 5124 subjects, 53,228 family/social ties. 45% were connected through friendship, 39% have coworker(s), 10% has an immediate neighbor. Centrality; clustering Findings: From 1971 to 2000, # of smokers decreased. Smokers have moved from the center to the periphery of the network. Smokers are interconnected. People quite smoking when their friends do so.

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