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Presentation on theme: "#likeaBOSS OBJECTIVES"— Presentation transcript:

I can identify and describe the characteristics of “formal writing style”. I can use formal word choices to create a more professional piece of writing.

2 How can you tell if writing is “formal” or “informal”?
Content/topic Intended audience Writing style – Our focus today Discussion Question

3 Why formal writing? WHEN will you need to write formally?
Throughout your academic career, high school and college essays, college admissions, job applications, in business, etc. For which AUDIENCES does formal writing matter? Teachers, administrators, managers, bosses, businesses, etc. What types of formal documents could you have to make? Essays, resumes, reports, memos, s, articles, business letters, informal letters, flyers/brochures, etc. Do you think you already write this way? Explain. Why formal writing?

4 Slang & Conversational Tone
Bad example: So, why does gymnastics even matter? I mean, isn’t it really limited to a specific body type anyway? Revised example: Gymnastics’ relevance is questionable to some people, since only a select few have the physical ability to meet its demands. Don’t use words that reveal your age! Words to avoid: texting abbreviations, emoticons, etc. “Yeah”, “like” Vague words: “things”, “stuff”, “it” Conversational words or transitions Actual questions (to self) Slang & Conversational Tone #growup >>>

5 Synonym Upgrades Replace vague words with specifics
Avoid words used too often, even nouns or keywords “Upgrade” to a better synonym that makes you sound older Don’t go too far: always using super-long, collegiate-sounding, multisyllabic words can backfire and sound pretentious. Bad example: It is really important that we do something about this. Our schools have a problem, and if something doesn’t change, there will be problems. Revised example: It is critical that schools find a solution to this crisis. The American educational system is flawed, and if both administrators and taxpayers refuse to address the situation, then our country could see low test scores for several generations. Synonym Upgrades My face when you use the same word 5 times… in one paragraph… #thesaurus #rilly?

6 Taking Out Personal Pronouns
STOP using “I” and “you”! Write in third person Exception: sometimes “we” is okay Don’t overuse “people” “One” is not the only option! Specific alternatives: “The reader” or “readers” “Audiences”, “listeners” or “viewers” “It is common knowledge that…” “Middle school students…” Bad example: I think that people should seriously, like, spend more time fixing their grammar before they hit send. Revised example: Students benefit from spending more time editing before submitting their work. Taking Out Personal Pronouns My face when you start a sentence with “I think”… #overdone #justsayit

7 Confident, Active Word Choices
Cut out “I think”, “I believe”, and “In my opinion”/ “My opinion is” Use strong verbs Ideal: action verbs Less effective: “being” verbs Is, am, are, was, were, be, being, been Avoid contractions, use cannot instead of can’t, etc. Which sounds better? I think he took it? He stole it. I believe that grammar is important. Grammar matters. In my opinion, the Kardashians have no real talent and shouldn’t be famous. The Kardashians lack any real talent; their fame was not earned. Confident, Active Word Choices Show some #sass.

8 Formal Transitions Words & Phrases Entire Sentences Use the basics…
First, second, third, next In addition In conclusion, finally …AND the better ones: However, rather, instead Therefore, moreover Do NOT refer to yourself “Next I will tell you about…” “My next point…” “As I mentioned before…” Instead: Next, … As previously mentioned, Formal Transitions My face when you label your next point instead of just saying it… #spititout

9 Are you asking or telling me?
Bad: You might wonder, “Why do Olympians choke under pressure?” Better: Viewers may wonder why Olympians struggle under pressure. Don’t “ask yourself”, “wonder”, etc. Don’t literally ask a question, hypothetical or real Just state WHO wonders WHAT. My face when you pose an actual question… #writeinthirdperson #notnecessary Are you asking or telling me?

10 Don’t Talk About it – Just DO it!
Bad example: “Today I will teach you why Coke is better than Pepsi.” Revised example: “Coke is superior to Pepsi for three reasons.” Never talk directly about the (essay) writing itself. Avoid: “In this essay, I will…” “Today I am going to…” “For my next point, I will tell you…” “My next reason is that…” “All of my reasons prove that…” “This quote proves my thesis because…” Don’t Talk About it – Just DO it! My face when you tell me what your essay will say… instead of just saying it. #Nike #justdoit

11 This INTRODUCTION paragraph is from an essay about ???
Reminders: Slang and conversational word choices “Upgrading” your synonyms Taking out personal pronouns Confident, active word choices “Formal’ transitions Are you asking me, or are you telling me? Don’t talk about it – just DO it. People everywhere know that it’s like a crime to not send your kids to school. What people don’t know is that sending a kid to school is not enough; they also need to read to children at home. Students who are not read to enough won’t ever have lives as good as kids who read well. Early literacy is super important for learning vocabulary, getting reading skills, and building speaking fluency. Revision Paragraph #1

12 This INTRODUCTION paragraph is from an essay about the importance of teaching young children to read. Reminders: Slang and conversational word choices “Upgrading” your synonyms Taking out personal pronouns Confident, active word choices “Formal’ transitions Are you asking me, or are you telling me? Don’t talk about it – just DO it. Most parents know that it is like a crime to not send your children to school. However, parents may not know is that a child merely attending school is not enough; caregivers also need to read to children at home. Students who are not read to enough are more likely to suffer academically and financially in the long term, compared to kids who read well. Early literacy is super critical for acquiring vocabulary, developing reading skills, and building speaking fluency. Paragraph #1: REVISED

13 Exit Pass: Put your name at the top of your paper.
Number your paper from 1-4. List 4 things that you should avoid in formal writing. Exit Pass:

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