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Dominique Dunn period.1b

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1 Dominique Dunn period.1b
Vocabulary Dominique Dunn period.1b

2 Loathing * loath-ing *Noun * a strong feeling of hatred of disgust
* It is known that i have a loathing of span. *you could think of loathing as lo’ short for the word low like you feel lo’ and someone is making you feel like that so you hate then. * loath, lother, loathingly, loathed

3 Paean *pee-uh-n *Noun *any song of praise, joy,triumph, or victory.
*After the war, the birds sang a paean to remember the people lost in battle. *paean starts with ‘p’ and so does paino. *pean

4 Affability *af-fa-bil-i-ty *Noun *pleasantness
*The teacher was liked because of her affability. *ability is in affability so the ability to be pleasent * affable, affably,

5 Ennui *An-we *noun *Lacking spirit, enthusiasm, or interest. dissatisfaction *My ennui in my chemistry class is lacking resulting in a grade lower than i hoped for. *the word ‘weee’ is heard in Ennui, so its the exact opposite. *

6 malevolence *me-le-ve-lence *noun *evil minded or evil intent
*The villains malevolence was only out matched by his desire for power. *malevolent

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