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Computer Modeling Vadose Zone Models Groundwater Flow Model

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Modeling Vadose Zone Models Groundwater Flow Model"— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Modeling Vadose Zone Models Groundwater Flow Model
Solute Transport Model

2 Vadose Zone Models Vadose zone models are used to quantify the amount of contaminant loading to the groundwater system The analytical or numerical models may be used (e.g., HYDRUS-1D) HYDRUS-1D simulates the one-dimensional movement of water and chemicals in unsaturated soil.

3 Groundwater Flow Model
Groundwater flow will be simulated for the Groundwater basin(s) associated with the agricultural land of Vieques. Groundwater flow will be simulated using the numerical model MODFLOW Pre and post processing will be accomplished using GMS.

4 Model Development Spatial characteristics Grid design
Initial conditions Boundary conditions Steady-state Transient

5 Model Development-cont.
Model Calibration Steady-state Transient Sensitivity Analysis Model validation Particle Tracking










15 Solute Transport Modeling
Identification of sites to be modeled Selection of contaminants to be modeled Solute transport model development Grid spacing and time step requirements Initial and boundary conditions Transport model calibration and sensitivity analysis


17 Surface Water Modeling
Watershed Management System (WMS) ARCView Compatible User-friendly interface for creating numerical watershed models. Hydrologic System Program Fortran (HSPF) Simulates for extended periods of time the hydrologic, and associated water quality, processes on pervious and impervious land surfaces and in streams and well-mixed impoundments

18 Development of a Watershed Model

19 Evaluation of Remedial Alternatives
No-Action Alternative Various alternative will be considered.

20 Reporting Periodic status report Final Report
Publications and presentations at professional meetings Publications in peer reviewed journals

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