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Presentation on theme: "FALL VOCABULARY ACTIVITY "— Presentation transcript:


2 Directions: 1.Find the word that means: “The order events from oldest to most recent.” 2. On this word, create an orange, yellow, or red body.

3 Directions: 1.Find the word that means: “The physical and human characteristics of a location.” 2. On this word, create a scarecrow leg, a black cat leg, or an orange pumpkin leg.

4 Directions: 1.Find the word that means: “A representation of an event from the past.” 2. On this word, create an arm that is holding a rake, a pumpkin, or a caramel apple.

5 Directions: 1.Find the word that means: “An area or group of locations with common characteristics.” 2. On this word, create a leg that is wearing a large boot.

6 Directions: 1.Find the word that means: “Lines that run east and west and measure distance North and South.” 2. On this word, create a yellow straw hat.

7 Directions: 1.Find the word that means: “A firsthand account that is created at the time of the event.” 2. On this word, create a pumpkin head, a black cat head, or a scarecrow head.

8 Directions: 1.Find the word that means: “Lines that run north and south but measure distance East and West.” 2. On this word, create a small pet, like a cat, dog, crow, iguana, squirrel.

9 Directions: 1.Find the word that means: “An account created by someone who was not present at the time of the event.” 2. On this word, create a hand that is waving or giving the thumbs up.

10 Directions: 1.Using the vocab word you drew from the hat, create a Frayer Model for that word. 2. The Frayer Model is 10 Formative points due in-class. 3. If you finish early, you can work on another one for Pride Points.


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