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Essential Hypertension

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1 Essential Hypertension
Prof.Abdullah Saadeh

2 Definition Persistent elevation of BP ( ≥ 140/90 mmHg)

3 Classification of BP According to JNC – 7 report
Normal ≤ 120 mmHg systolic and ≤ 80 mmHg diastolic Prehypertention mm Hg systolic and 80-90mm Hg diastolic Stage -1 Hypertension mmHg systolic and mmHg diastolic Ssage -2 Hypertention ≥ 160 mmHg systolic and ≥ 100 mmHg diastolic

4 Life style modification Without compelling indication
BP classification Life style modification Without compelling indication With compelling indication Normal encourage Prehypertension yes No anti-HTN drugs Drug(s) for the compelling indication Stage 1 HTN Thiazide-diuretics for most; may consider ACE,ARB, B-blockers,CCB,or combination Drug(s)for the compelling indicatios ( thiazides, ACEI,CCB,ARB,B-blocker) Stage 2 HTN 2-drug combination for most (thiazide,ACEI or ARB or B-blocker or CCB) Drug(s) for the compelling indications ( thiazides, ACEI, ARB, B-blocker, CCB) as indicated

5 CAUSES Essential Hypertention (95 %) Secondary ( 5%)
DRUGS( steroids , Contraceptive pills,NSAIDS,carbenoxolone,Liquorice, sympathomimetics) 2. Cardiovascular (Coarctation of the aorta) 3. Renal (Renovascular i.e RAS and renal artery occlusion or Parenchymal i.e ch. Pyelonephritis,acute and ch.glomeronephritis,obstructive uropathy,polycystic kidney disease and hypernephromas.

6 CAUSES 4.Endocrine: ( pheochromocytoma, 5.Others
1° aldosteronism, cushing’s,acromegaly, hyperparathyroidism and hypothyroidism). 5.Others (brain tumors with increased intracranial pressure,bulbar poliomyelitis,connective tissue disorders i.e SLE and polyarteriti nodosa,DM nephropathy,Polycythemia rubra vera)

Urinalysis Renal profile ECG Chest x-ray Plain U-T x-ray or renal ultrasound Urine culture HB, PCV FBS,s.lipids,s.urate Echocardiography

8 When to investigate for a secondary cause of hypertension
Clues from the history Clues from physical examination Clues from initial investigations Malignant stage hypertension

9 Complications of hypertension
Cardiovascular(angina,MI,LVH,HF,dissecting aortic aneurysm) Cerebrovascular(TIA,Thrombotic infarction,intracerebral hemorrhge,encephalopathy) Peripheral vascular disease(atherosclorosis,intermittent claudication, gangrene) Retinopathy(Grades1,2,3,4) Nephropathy(nephrosclerosis,fibrinoid necrosis) Malignant hypertension

10 Treatment of hypertension
1st. Non-pharmacological measures: 1. Diet 2. Weight reduction 3. Stopping smoking and excess alcohol consumption 4. Regular exercise ( behavioral, biofeedback therapy) 5. Treatment of other associated risk factors

11 B. Antihypertensive medications:
1. Diuretics Thiazide, loop, K+ sparing 2. B-Blockers Non-cardioselective Cardioselective Drugs with ISA Alpha and Beta-blockers(labetolol)

12 3. Alpha-blockers ( prazosin)
4. Central acting drugs (reserpine, methyldopa,clonidine) 5. vasodilators: 1st. Direct relaxation of arteriolar smooth muscle: -Hydralazine -Minoxidil -Diazoxide -Na-nitroprusside

13 2nd. Calcium-channel blockers:
- Verapamil - Nifedipine - Amlodipine 3rd. ACE inhibitors : - Captopril - Enalapril - Lysinopril - Quinapril

14 6. ARBs - Losartan - Candesartan - Irbisartan - Valsartan

15 Hypertensive Crisis: Severe hypertension with one of the following:
Heart failure MI Renal failure Encephalopathy Dissecting aneurysm Intracerebral hemorrhage Accelerated or malignant hypertension

16 Parentral Drugs Used In Hypertensive Emergencies:
Na-nitroprusside infusion Diazoxide i.v Hydralazine iv Furosemide i.v Phentolamine i.v Nifedipine s/L Labetolol i.v ( N.B: B.P shouldn’t be reduced to below diastolic of 100 mmHg )

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