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How does where we live affect what we do?

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Presentation on theme: "How does where we live affect what we do?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How does where we live affect what we do?
Location and the global exchange

2 Politics and stability
Depending on where a country is, its political stability can change Is it near allies? Does it border enemies? Does it contain multiple nations of people?

3 Politics and Stability
Rwanda: India The Korean Peninsula Israel

4 What are the advantages of having a Coastline?
Unrestricted Trade Bring in Imports Making money off of exports

5 What does it mean to be landlocked
No direct access to the coast 45 Landlocked countries (including Kosovo) 2 Doubly landlocked Liechtenstein Uzbekistan Trade very challenging Dependent on foreign ports UNCLOS – no taxation on these countries to transport goods


7 What goes on in a port city: Singapore


9 Enclaves and exclaves Exclave – 2 criteria
Not contiguous with rest of the country Must be separated by foreign territory Ex. Azerbaijan, Russia, Alaska Enclave Completely surrounded by another group of people Ethnic enclave (city) (more common) vs. political enclave (country) Ethnic = “Chinatown,” “Greektown,” “Little Italy” Political = Lesotho, Vatican City Enclaves and exclaves


11 The shapes of states 5 Boundary Shapes for countries: Compact
Elongated Prorupted Fragmented Perforated

12 Compact Shape Efficient Capital towards the center if possible

13 Elongated Isolation of part of the population Distance from capital
No access to port?

14 Prorupted Access to a waterway Divide two countries

15 Fragmented (people need to live there)
Two types Divided by water – not very problematic Divided by another state – definitely problematic

16 Fragmented: Water

17 Fragmented: Land

18 Russia is complicated

19 Perforated State A country that COMPLETELY surrounds another

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