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Theme Of The Month For January,

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Presentation on theme: "Theme Of The Month For January,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme Of The Month For January,

2 Perseverance Definition: steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

3 Examples of Perseverance would be not giving up, believing that you can do something.

4 Perseverance can help us by letting us know we can achieve our dreams and that we will get there no matter what we do. If we believe it, we can do it

5 If you persevere what you wish to achieve you will get it
If you persevere what you wish to achieve you will get it. If you stop yourself or let anyone stop you, you’ll never want to try again.

6 What does this quote mean to you?
Have you ever persevered? Share with your neighbor one example that shows your perseverance.

7 What does this quote mean to you?
Tell the person on your left what you understood.


9 understand what Perseverance means in real life.
Watch these videos and understand what Perseverance means in real life.

10 ACTIVITY On page 49 of your agenda, describe a time in your life when you worked especially hard to accomplish a goal. Why was it important for you to keep working toward this goal? Describe the times when you felt like giving up. What motivated you to keep going?

11 This College Prep lesson was created by
Karen Cerritos, 8th Grade Thank you Karen and the Yearbook Staff members for designing our “January theme of the month” powerpoints!

12 Reminder … Monday 1/18/16 - No School Tuesday 1/19/20 - MAP Reading Test in ELA classes Wednesday 1/20/16 - Practice Perseverance Thursday 1/21/16 - MAP Math Test in Math classes Friday 1/22/16 - MAP Language in Science classes BRING YOUR CHROMEBOOK for testing

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