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Inclusive development

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1 Inclusive development
ESPON Open Seminar 2014 “Opportunities and threats for territorial cohesion: Blue Growth and Urban Poverty" Parallel Workshop Session: Reflections on “blue” development opportunities related to European seas, coasts, islands and the mainland Workshop 2: Inclusive development

2 Setting the scene Blue Growth Inclusive development
A long-term strategy that embraces economic, social and environmental aspects of Europe’s seas The integrated Maritime Policy’s contribution to achieving the goals of Europe 2020 for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth A path for cohesion policy to enlarge its scope of action Inclusive development The development of Europe’s blue economy in such a way that it offers high levels of employment and that the benefits of growth spread throughout the EU, thus strengthening territorial cohesion. It requires the development of necessary skills throughout the lifecycle, modernisation of the labour markets, promoting gender equality to increase labour force participation, particularly considering the challenges of an ageing population.

3 Setting the scene Questions to be addressed by presenters and in discussion: What are main territorial trends or observations (from your project) in relation to inclusive development of the blue economy? What opportunities and challenges exist for Europe and its regions (according to your project findings) for increasing competitiveness through inclusive growth of the blue economy? Which additional evidence is needed for policy makers to better cater for inclusive growth in the context of the blue economy?

4 Flow of Workshop 2 14h00 Welcome by facilitator, Peter Schön, ECP Germany 14h05 Presentation by ESPON project teams (10 min each) TiPSE – The territorial dimension of poverty and social exclusion in Europe ECR2 – Economic crisis: Resilience of regions ITAN – Integrated territorial analysis of the neighbourhoods 14h35 Remark and opening up of discussion by facilitator Peter Schön 14h55 Rounding up by Peter Schön

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