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HSC DC - precursors DC Lymphoid precursor Lymphoid Myeloid precursor

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1 HSC DC - precursors DC Lymphoid precursor Lymphoid Myeloid precursor
IL-7Ra - Pax-5 - SCL + c-kit + Lymphoid precursor IL-7Ra + Pax-5 + SCL - Myeloid precursor DC - precursors c-kit - DC Mouse DC differentiation model DC may be generated by two separate differentiation routes from either lymphoid- or myeloid-committed precursors, or alternatively by a common DC differentiation pathway through DC-precursors, independently from lymphoid and myeloid progenitors. The biological significance of this model, including the analysis of the differential expression of IL-7Ra, Pax-5, SCL and c-kit by DC-precursors, is discussed in the printed version of the paper. DC: dendritic cell, HSC: hematopoietic stem cell. Carlos Ardavín A06736

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