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What Is A Christian and How Does One Become One?

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2 What Is A Christian and How Does One Become One?

3 CHRISTIAN “A follower of Christ”
Denotes a relationship to Jesus, the Savior Only those in a right relationship to Jesus Christ are Christians in the Biblical sense A Designation- a name by which a person is designated and distinguished from others Denotes Ownership – Christ is the owner/ master of Christians Titus 2:11-14 1 Corinthians 6:19,20

4 CHRISTIAN Found several places in the Bible
Prophecies about “new name” by which God’s people would be called – Isaiah 62:2 To Come from the mouth of the Lord – Acts 11:26 “were called” – chrematizo “"to utter an oracle," or "be called, be admonished (warned) of God, reveal, speak." James 2:7 – noble name

5 CHRISTIAN A Name In Which There is Honor 1 Peter 4:15,16
Glorify God in a personal relationship to Christ – Being His Possession! KJV “in this name”

6 How Does One Become A Christian?

7 How Does One Become A Christian?
Not By Being Religious Alone Acts 17:22 Galatians 1:13,14 Not By Being A Believer Only John 12:42,43 John 8:31,32

8 Being A Christian Means:
Accepting All Revealed Truth Not from the Book of Mormon, Science and Health and Key to the Scriptures, New World Translation, Koran or any other book than the Bible The Bible is the only truth, only the truth, nothing but the truth, and it is all the truth there is about salvation

Must believe in Christ To Believe the right thing, on must hear the right thing – Romans 10:13,14 Romans 10:17 “hearing the word of God” Error taught never make one a Christian

10 REPENTANCE Believer Must Repent Repentance follows faith Repentance is the turning from a sinful life A deliberate mental act – decision & determination that affects behavior Acts 17:30 “God…not commands all men everywhere to repent”

11 BE BAPTIZED A Penitent Believer Must Be Baptized A person has no right to wear the name “Christian” who has not been baptized for the remission of sins in the name of Christ Hear the same gospel, believe in the same Christ, repent as they did, and be baptized just as they were – and you will be a Christian

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