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All Things Considered Typography!.

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Presentation on theme: "All Things Considered Typography!."— Presentation transcript:

1 All Things Considered Typography!

2 What we would originally consider
(and should still keep in mind)

3 Overall Lessons With nothing extra, users can only see fonts on the web that are actually installed on their own computers Problem: the list of fonts may be very different form person to person Need to be aware that what you see when you design, may not be what users see Even when fancy is possible, not always the best choice!

4 A Whole New World of Typography Opened for Web Designers!
Web Fonts A Whole New World of Typography Opened for Web Designers!

5 Just Remember! Before this power is unleashed to you…just because you CAN do something, doesn’t mean you SHOULD….or at least doesn’t mean you SHOULD overuse it!

6 What is a Web Font? You can serve a font from the web server and then use it in the page Only takes a bit of CSS to accomplish Danger – Font licensing – just because you have a font on your computer doesn’t mean you’re allowed to use it on your website

7 Google Steps In Provide web fonts you CAN be sure are ok for use
They serve them off their servers, so you don’t have to

8 A Clip from a Presentation @ Google IO

9 Google Fonts
Narrow down choice to one you want

10 Click on Quick Use Set a few more options as desired for styles…
Add to head: Add to style rules

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