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Watersheds and Rivers.

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Presentation on theme: "Watersheds and Rivers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Watersheds and Rivers

2 Watersheds and River Basins
A watershed is all of the land area whose water drains into a stream, lake or wetland. A river basin is all the water that drains in a large river.


4 River Basin

5 Watersheds The watershed of the Mississippi River is the largest watershed in North America!

6 Stream System A stream is runoff water that begins to flow more permanently in a channel. A large stream is called a river. The smaller streams that feed into it are called tributaries


8 Stop and Think Label the diagram

9 Rivers Carrying capacity is the ability of a stream to…
transport material STOP AND THINK: What does a river transport? (besides water) Nutrients Cargo or transport goods Organisms

10 Parts of a River Beginning or start- source (headwaters)
Bends and twists- meander A stagnant lake that is formed alongside a winding river because of soil erosion, leaving an abandoned stream channel, cut off from the rest of the river- oxbow lake End of the river – mouth or delta

11 Stop and Think Label the diagram



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