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Our last PMI student chapter meeting of the semester

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1 Our last PMI student chapter meeting of the semester
7 pm, APRIL 25 BA NW212 Sandy Williams Scampi CERTIFIED Former project manager at U.S. West PMP certified Four grandchildren Currently a consultant and business owner What you have to do to get hired and get promoted

2 Using MS Project 2013 for Executing, Monitoring & Controlling
First, make certain your project plan is complete and final Second, save it as a baseline Begin entering actual information Actual costs Percentage complete

3 Tracking: MS Project will track—
Task start dates Task finish dates Task duration Task cost work Percentage of task that is complete

4 Getting Earned Value Data Visible
You can go to view and replace the entry table with the Earned Value table Or, you can enter the earned value columns into your existing table through the Insert Column facility. The columns are BCWP, BCWS, ACWP, CV, SC, SPI, CPI, etc. You can also request the Tracking Gantt Chart off the LHS side of MS Project There is also an Earned Value Report under Reports

5 First set Baseline and then Save it
Go to ‘Project’ tab Click on Set Baseline and select ‘Set Baseline’ Select ‘Entire project’, then click ‘OK’ At this point you may need to set a Status Date. See EVA notes for doing this

6 Entering actual % Complete and start & Finish dates for a task
On the Gantt Chart view, select ‘View’ tab, click on ‘Tables’ and select ‘Tracking’ Enter actual progress in the ‘% Comp’ column (Note: by default, MS Project 2013 considers cost to be independent of duration, Therefore, if the activity is not 100% complete, by default, MS Project will not let you override the actual cost. See notes as to how to fix this or read the next slide

7 To enter Actual Costs You can change the table to the cost table
Or you can insert the actual cost column into the entry table Click on File on the task bar Then click on options Then click on Schedule Then uncheck “Actual costs are always calculated by Project” Click OK

8 Indicating progress on a task as a percentage
In the task name field of the Gantt Chart Double click—this brings up the task information sheet Select the general tab In the percentage complete box type a whole number between 0 and 100

9 Entering actual costs for a resource assignment
On the view menu, point to the Table, and click Tracking Drag the divider bar to the right to view the Activity Cost field In the activity cost field, type the actual cost for the assignment for which you want to update costs

10 Show the progress line: To do this........
On the Gantt Chart view, right click on the Gantt Chart itself and select Progress Lines’. On the ‘Dates and Intervals’ tab, check ‘Display:’ and click ‘OK’.

11 It’s due Next Thursday, April 27.. Turn-in…..
Your tracking Gantt Chart with the progress line visible Your Earned Value Table Your Earned Value Report(s) Discuss whether your project is ahead of or behind schedule, based on your EVA Discuss whether your project is over or under budget, based on your EVA IT IS DUE THURSDAY, April 27



14 Process Maturity and Project Closeout
James R. Burns

15 To Follow up on Sandy Williams…
Before application of the CMMI It was Chaos, Anarchy The (U.S. West) organization was hooked on heroics Afterwards, not so People will resist change, especially when they have no buy-in to the vision of where the change will take us Sometimes she had to use coercion -- in case of the engineers

16 Sandy is… CMMI Scampi Assessor
Who decides what level (on a scale of 0 to 5) an organization is on? Assessors and Appraisers How long does it take to go from one level to the next, say from a 3.4 to a 4.4? one year, usually

17 What does a ‘hero’ look like??
He wears a T-shirt and tennis shoes He lives off of pizza and diet coke He is overweight He comes in a 10 am….he leaves at 4 am the next morning He loves showing off his designs, his code, his products

18 Maturity Models Today, there are hundreds of Maturity models
They all measure maturity on a scale of 0 to 5 Capability Maturity Model, CMM (1989) Capability Maturity Model Integration, CMMI (2002) Project Maturity Model, OPM3 See pages of Schwalbe, 8th Edition Software Quality Function Deployment

19 Capability Maturity Model
Developed in preliminary form by Watts Humphries (published in a book he wrote that appeared in 1989) Refined by the SEI (Software Engineering Institute) , a spin-off of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh Known as the CMM Discussed in Schwalbe, page (approx)

20 Immature Software Organizations
Processes are ad hoc, and occasionally chaotic. Processes are improvised by practitioners ON THE FLY. Testing, reviews and walkthroughs usually curtailed under stress. Quality is unpredictable.

21 Immature Software Organizations, Cont’d
Costs and schedules are usually exceeded. Reactionary management is usually firefighting. Success rides on individual talent and heroic effort. Technology benefits are lost in the noise.

22 Mature Software Organizations
Processes are defined and documented. Roles and responsibilities are clear. Product and process are measured. Processes and projects finish on time and within budget Management has time to plan, monitor, and communicate.

23 Mature Software Organizations, Cont’d
Quality, costs, and schedules are predictable Management is committed to continuous improvement. Technology is used effectively within defined processes.

24 Software Process Definition
Project Planning Project Management Software Engineering Procedures Software standards Software Quality Evaluation Software Configuration management

25 The Five Levels of Software Process Maturity

26 Five Levels

27 Initial Software processes are ad hoc, even chaotic
Software processes are ‘invented’ on the fly The software processes are not defined Success depends on individual effort The environment is not stable

28 Initial, Continued The benefits of software engineering practices are undermined Planning is nonexistent or ineffective Process capability is unpredictable because the software process is constantly changed or modified as the work progresses

29 Repeatable Basic project management policies and procedures are established Cost, schedule and functionality (scope) are tracked by module and task A process discipline is put in place to repeat earlier successes Managing new projects is based on experience with similar projects

30 Repeatable, Continued Basic software management controls are installed
Estimations of cost and time to complete are based on history for similar projects Problems are identified and documented Software requirements are baselined (made tough to change)

31 Repeatable, Continued Project standards are defined
Project teams work with their customers and subcontractors to establish stable, managed working environments Process is under the control of a project management system that is driven by performance on previous projects A project performance database is defined and populated

32 Defined Software processes are documented
Software processes are standardized and integrated organization-wide All projects use documented and approved versions of the organization’s processes of developing and maintaining software A Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG) is created to facilitate process definition and improvement efforts

33 Defined, Continued Organization-wide training programs are implemented
Organization-wide standard software processes can be refined to encompass the unique characteristics of the project A peer review process is used to enhance product quality Process capability is stable and based on a common understanding of processes, roles, and responsibilities in a defined process

34 Managed Quantitative quality goals are defined
Product quality and productivity are measured and collected Both processes and products are quantitatively understood Both processes and products are controlled using detailed measures A productivity and quality database is defined

35 Managed, Continued Projects achieve control by narrowing the variation in performance to within acceptable boundaries Process variation is controlled by use of a strategic business plan that details which product lines to pursue Risks associated with moving up the learning curve of a new application domain are known and carefully managed Process capability is measured and operating within measurable limits

36 Optimizing Continuous process improvement is enabled by quantitative feedback Continuous process improvement is assessed from testing innovative ideas and technologies Weak process elements are identified and strengthened Defect prevention is explicit

37 Optimizing, Cont’d Statistical evidence is available on process effectiveness Innovations that exploit the best software engineering practices are identified Improvement occurs from INCREMENTAL ADVANCEMENTS IN EXISTING PROCESSES INNOVATIONS USING NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS

38 How are firms doing?? Many U.S. firms have reached the highest level, OPTIMIZING Indian firms may be doing better

39 Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3)
1. Ad-Hoc: The project management process is described as disorganized, and occasionally even chaotic. The organization has not defined systems and processes, and project success depends on individual effort. There are chronic cost and schedule problems. 2. Abbreviated: There are some project management processes and systems in place to track cost, schedule, and scope. Project success is largely unpredictable and cost and schedule problems are common. 3. Organized: There are standardized, documented project management processes and systems that are integrated into the rest of the organization. Project success is more predictable, and cost and schedule performance is improved. 4. Managed: Management collects and uses detailed measures of the effectiveness of project management. Project success is more uniform, and cost and schedule performance conforms to plan. 5. Adaptive: Feedback from the project management process and from piloting innovative ideas and technologies enables continuous improvement. Project success is the norm, and cost and schedule performance is continuously improving.

40 Enter CMMI: Capability Maturity Model Integration
In 2007, the SEI asserted that it would no longer support the old SW-CMM. On Dec 31, 2007 all SW-CMM appraisal results were expired The purpose of the CMMI was to focus process maturity more towards project performance Organizations must now upgrade to the CMMI The CMMI is vastly improved over the CMM Emphasis is on business needs, integration and institutionalization

41 CMMI Origins The CMMI was derived from the
SW-CMM—capability maturity model for software EIA/IS – electronic Industries Alliance Interim Standard IPD-CMM—Capability Maturity Model for Integrated Product Development CMMI architecture is open and designed to accommodate additional disciplines, like CMMI-DEV – processes for development CMMI-ACQ—processes required for supplier sourcing CMMI-SVC—processes required for services

42 CMMI: cap mat model integration
Level 0: Incomplete No goal. Level 1: Performed The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products. Level 2: Managed The process is institutionalized as a managed process. Level 3: Defined The process is institutionalized as a defined process. Level 4: Quantitatively Managed The process is institutionalized as a quantitatively managed process. Level 5: Optimizing The process is institutionalized as an optimizing process. The CMMI is linked to the organization’s business vision and objectives..

43 CMMI Staged Representation - 5 Maturity Levels
Process performance continually improved through incremental and innovative technological improvements. Optimizing Level 4 Quantitatively Managed Processes are controlled using statistical and other quantitative techniques. Process Maturity Level 3 Processes are well characterized and understood. Processes, standards, procedures, tools, etc. are defined at the organizational (Organization X ) level. Proactive. Defined Level 2 Managed Processes are planned, documented, performed, monitored, and controlled at the project level. Often reactive. Level 1 Initial Processes are unpredictable, poorly controlled, reactive.

44 Table 11-1. Project Management Maturity by Industry Group and Knowledge Area*
KEY: 1 = LOWEST MATURITY RATING 5 = HIGHEST MATURITY RATING Knowledge Area Engineering/ Construction Telecommunications Information Systems Hi-Tech Manufacturing Scope 3.52 3.45 3.25 3.37 Time 3.55 3.41 3.03 3.50 Cost 3.74 3.22 3.20 3.97 Quality 2.91 2.88 3.26 Human Resources 3.18 2.93 Communications 3.53 3.21 3.48 Risk 2.87 2.75 2.76 Procurement 3.33 3.01 3.33  *Ibbs, C. William and Young Hoon Kwak. “Assessing Project Management Maturity,” Project Management Journal (March 2000). Information Technology Project Management, Eighth Edition

45 Use of this tool has shown…
The Engineering and Construction Industries have a higher level of maturity than do the information systems and software development disciplines

46 Quality Function Deployment
Translates the “voice of the customer” into technical design requirements Customer is King Displays requirements in matrix diagrams First matrix called “house of quality” Series of connected houses

47 Design characteristics Customer requirements Competitive assessment
Quality House Trade-off matrix Design characteristics Customer requirements Target values Relationship matrix Competitive assessment Importance 1 2 3 4 5 6

48 Competitive Assessment
Irons well Easy and safe to use Competitive Assessment Customer Requirements Presses quickly 9 B A X Removes wrinkles 8 AB X Doesn’t stick to fabric 6 X BA Provides enough steam AB X Doesn’t spot fabric 6 X AB Doesn’t scorch fabric 9 A XB Heats quickly 6 X B A Automatic shut-off ABX Quick cool-down 3 X A B Doesn’t break when dropped 5 AB X Doesn’t burn when touched 5 AB X Not too heavy 8 X A B

49 Irons well Easy and safe to use
Time required to reach 450º F Time to go from 450º to 100º Protective cover for soleplate Material used in soleplate Flow of water from holes Energy needed to press Thickness of soleplate Automatic shutoff Size of soleplate Number of holes Weight of iron Size of holes Customer Requirements Presses quickly Removes wrinkles Doesn’t stick to fabric Provides enough steam Doesn’t spot fabric Doesn’t scorch fabric Heats quickly Automatic shut-off Quick cool-down Doesn’t break when dropped Doesn’t burn when touched Not too heavy Irons well Easy and safe to use

50 + - Protective cover for soleplate Time to go from 450º to 100º
Time required to reach 450º Material used in soleplate Flow of water from holes Energy needed to press Thickness of soleplate Automatic shutoff Size of soleplate Number of holes Weight of iron Size of holes - +

51 Units of measure ft-lb lb in. cm ty ea mm oz/s sec sec Y/N Y/N
Protective cover for soleplate Time to go from 450º to 100º Time required to reach 450º Material used in soleplate Flow of water from holes Energy needed to press Thickness of soleplate Automatic shutoff Size of soleplate Number of holes Weight of iron Size of holes Units of measure ft-lb lb in. cm ty ea mm oz/s sec sec Y/N Y/N Iron A x4 2 SS N Y Iron B x4 1 MG N Y Our Iron (X) x5 4 T N Y Estimated impact Estimated cost Targets x5 3 SS Design changes * * * * * * * Objective measures

52 Completing and Terminating a Project
James Burns

53 Completing Integration Testing Final Testing Acceptance Testing
Regression methods Final Testing Acceptance Testing Installation/Conversion Training

54 Purpose of Acceptance Testing
to get paid every dime that you are owed!! When is the best time to write the Acceptance Test Plan Why??? Who dictates what those tests will consist of? Do you think there should be at least one test for each and every defined requirement?

55 Final, Thorough Test Do beta testing?? Run some old integration tests
Devise true-to-life tests Try to overload the system Try to break it by entering wrong inputs, out of range values, etc. Test user documentation as well.

56 Installation going live

57 Training Usually, not enough budget is set aside for training
At the mid-market level and lower, training budgets are slim On-line, context-sensitive help is one answer

58 Conversion Crash Parallel Pilot

59 Customer Survey Degree to which objectives were achieved?
Degree to which users accepted and endorsed the product Overall satisfaction level Best if done by an outside survey agency or firm

Allow enough time? Make it fun? Beginnings are important! Top management support is critical! Managing change is 50 percent of project management! Next time, make management reviews interactive! Next time, set realistic milestone dates, but stick to the schedule! Next time, plan at a workable level!

61 Closing Bash Party? Rap song? Actor?

62 Practices A walkthrough after every design phase is a good practice
Architectural design Then a walkthrough Medium-level design A walkthrough Database design Detailed design

63 Software Tools--use them
Librarians--keep track of who changed what when also called Code Management Systems Module Management Systems automate the building of an entire software system Visual Studio is one example Eclipse is another Performance Coverage analyzer determines where all the computing time is being spent traces sections of the system that were executed, their frequency and duration

64 More Tools Source code analyzers Test Manager Debugger
Tells you where you’re doing strange or inefficient things in the source code Lets you find all usages of a particular variable or string Test Manager makes regression testing very simple Debugger Program stop, trace, and step through

65 Closing The closing process Provide a warranty
Be willing to address any problems that crop up within a six-month period of installation

66 Termination Get paid Populate History Database
Document Lessons Learned Post project review (also called a POSTMORTEM) Write down what went well, what could have been improved, make suggestions for follow on projects, gather more statistics on actual vs. planned performance Produce a formal report Write follow-on proposal for next project Sell the next project

67 Maintenance Should be considered as a separate project, separately funded, so you can get paid for all of the development work

68 Checklist for Closeout & Termination Stage
New system is up and running smoothly Conversion and cutover from any older systems is complete End users are trained and comfortable with new system Warranty is provided The next project is sold A post project review (POSTMORTEM) is held Responsibility and method of ongoing maintenance is defined

69 User documentation Run/installation manual User’s Guide
Maintenance Guide Training documentation

70 That’s it, Folks…

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