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Keith Grammar School Working together.

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1 Keith Grammar School Working together

2 EMA Forms New forms for session 2018/19 are now available from the office.  You must complete a new form even if you are in receipt of an EMA at present. Criteria: If you are 16 to 19 years old you could get £30 per week.  If your family earns up to £24,421 a year or £26,884 if you have siblings you could be eligible depending on the course you are studying.



5 Chill & Spill for S1 and S2 Wednesday lunchtimes
from 1.20 onwards in room 22  Come & play pool, table football or air hockey Or just have a chat & a comfy seat

6 All S1 & S2 pupils are invited to take part in the Sumdog Contest as part of Maths Week Scotland 2018. All pupils will be given login details by their maths teacher. Bring on the maths!!!

7 MATHS WEEK SCOTLAND 10TH – 16TH SEPTEMBER 2018 Monday 10th Sept.
In the library 13.30 – 14.00 There will be a Countdown competition held on Monday 10th September 2018. Come along, challenge yourself and have fun. House points available for all participants.


9 Where? Keith Community Centre games hall

10 British Sign Language Club
Keith Grammar School British Sign Language Club Monday Lunchtimes Room 6 1.30-2pm All Welcome – Staff and Pupils

11 KGS Darts Club When: Monday Lunchtime, 1330-1400
Where: Room 11 (Mr Geddes - Maths) Do I need my own darts? – No! Can I use my own darts? – Yes, but you must bring them to Mr Geddes first thing, then collect at the end of the day.

12 MUSIC LESSONS See Plasmas or Music Timetables for individual lessons.
Brass - Monday Violin - Tuesday Percussion - Thursday Woodwind - Friday


14 Lunchtime Homework Club
Having trouble logging onto “Show my Homework” at home? Forgot to do your homework? Come along to Room 12 at lunchtimes on Monday or Thursday where you can use the computers to complete your homework.

15 Art & Design Department
Art & Design: The department will be open every Wednesday lunchtime 1.30pm – 2.00pm for all year groups. Come along to Room 20 to spend extra time on your classwork, own artwork or simply doodle! You may bring your lunch.

16 Jobsfair at Moray College
There is a Jobsfair at Moray College on Thursday, 13th September 2018 from 4:30- 6:30. Careers advisers will also be there.

17 Canteen Pre-Order Friday
You can pre-order baguettes, snacks at break time on Friday so you can pick up before you leave the school or go on the bus! Please see Catering Staff for details.

18 Debate Club Open to S2 – S6 pupils Thursdays 3.45pm – 4.30pm Room 33

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