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Diocese of Coventry MAT

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1 Diocese of Coventry MAT
Development, Structure and Support Linda Wainscot Diocesan Director of Education Nicole Wicks Business Manager and Governance Lead Officer Andrew Martin Academies Adviser, The Church of England Education Office

2 Who are we? Linda: Director of Education for the Diocese of Coventry since 2001 Director of the Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust Director of Inspire Multi Academy Trust Nicole: Business Manager and Governance Lead Officer for Coventry Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) Instrumental in setting up the DMAT in 2013 particularly governance structures and scheme of delegation Carried out financial viability modelling around central services/support Project managed 5 schools through to academy status, to join the DMAT, during 2014 Andrew: Supported Dioceses with Academies programme since 2009 Academies Adviser, The Church of England Education Office Independent Education Project Director advising on set up and development of DMAT from 2013 to present Lead for Church of England professional development events around MAT finance, Quality Assurance and Academy Improvement Course Lead for MAT CEO Development Programme

3 Background Context Coventry Diocese is a small diocese with 74 schools – 72 infant, junior or primary + 2 secondary Combination of rural locations with small schools (smallest primary has 40 children), towns with very mixed social demographics from the affluent to areas of deep poverty and the City of Coventry which is small in comparison with many other UK cities. Since 2001 the DBE has been intentional in its desire to act professionally, gain credibility and provide high quality services to its schools in the areas of staff CPD, accredited leadership development, strategic support for school buildings, develop governance at school and DBE level all within the necessary focus on financial sustainability

4 The Beginnings … In 2011, in response to the government’s academy agenda, the DBE felt that our ground had been well prepared and we were in a strong position to set up a DMAT There was a strong directive from the Bishop of Coventry to make the DMAT a reality otherwise there was a danger of losing church schools (a small number of other dioceses choose to ‘give’ their church schools away) The Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust was formed in February 2013 starting with 2 vulnerable schools both in special measures

5 DMAT Mission Statement
The Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust aims to facilitate inspirational teaching and learning and to build a better future for everyone within the academies and their local communities. We are committed to raising the aspirations and achievements for young people within the trust’s family of academies by providing high quality education, based on Christian values, which inspires children to develop a life long love of learning. Values can all be traced back to the Bible but not exclusively for use by Christians

6 DMAT Structure The members of our DMAT are all from the diocese: the Bishop of Coventry (Corporate), the Chair of the DBE, the Chair of the DBE Business Committee, the Bishop of Coventry’s nominee and the Chair of the DMAT Board of Directors. This is s a significantly strengthened VA model, agreed by DfE with both VA and VC schools (sponsored academies and converters) DMAT Board is skills based, including legal, HR, financial and educational expertise Central services for HR, finance, operations (governance, buildings, support around complaints/exclusions, admissions advice & appeals service), school improvement Central services financed by a top slice of 5% from each of the academies (not pp, statement monies, just GAG) 5% top slice is transparent – many LA’s take smaller top slice (often unknown amount) but then insist on a level of spend for their service agreements

7 Preparing for Healthy Growth
Priority to ensure robust processes for effective governance Delegated responsibility to governors at a local level (LGBs) via a scheme of delegation Conscious decision not to have an ‘earned autonomy’ set-up within the governance scheme of delegation. Equal support for all local governing bodies irrespective of their level of maturity and the effectiveness of the academy Interdependent operational relationship between the DBE and the DMAT Diocesan School Improvement Partner employed by the DBE Bullet 4 – DBE is the sponsor and continues to have responsibility for the Trust Deeds of each school (ensure they are upheld) and has statutory responsibilities under the DBE Measure. Community schools will not therefore have any DBE input unless they wish it e.g. help with RE training/delivery

8 Non-negotiables The aspirational measurables of the DMAT are:
Every lesson to be good or better Every child to make at least, and for many, above national expectations in both attainment and progress Every Academy to be well led and governed All teachers motivated to self-improve and aspire to excellence All academies to be judged good or better at Section 48 Inspections* * Not applicable for non-church schools

9 Growth of the DMAT - timeline
April 2013 2 sponsored academies (both primary) April 2014 5 sponsored academies ( 4 primary, 1 secondary) RSC – we are ‘mending broken schools’ April 2015 7 sponsored academies, 2 converter academies (8 primary, 1 secondary) 2 sponsored had been inspected by Ofsted – 1 = good, 1 = outstanding April 2016 7 sponsored academies, 3 converter academies (9 primary, 1 secondary) 8 schools actively pursuing academy transition to come into DMAT April 2020 ?

10 Growth of the DMAT Significant successes and credibility from the start led by a strong central team at both the ‘set-up’ stage (supported conversion activity) and robust due diligence – school effectiveness/leadership and management, finance, buildings land and trusts and governance Of the 9 sponsored schools currently in the DMAT, 8 have had new leadership solutions, the DMAT now has 2 Executive Heads who are working with the DSIP in developing school to school support and system leadership. We have 3 Heads of School and are developing their capacity through the Executive Heads to potentially become ready for headships. This strategy includes the activity needed to ensure  we have the right capacity and quality of school leadership and support as we grow. DMAT have had to remove HT’s in the past – our approach is to do everything in our power to support and mentor that person initially. If this approach does not result in improvement then we do all we can to ensure a dignified exit, not gung-ho about it … BUT education of children comes first and foremost

11 Strategically Looking Forward
Continued development of our strategic thinking resulting from ‘intelligence’ from around the country, confirmation of our original plan to grow the DMAT whilst granting permission (where appropriate) for smaller school-led MATs (Diocese of Coventry position – must be Church majority at member level) We are proposing a 1 MAT, 4 Hub structure. Our approach is that there is strength in the ‘local’ with the benefit of contextual understanding. Coventry DBE consent will not be given to join minority mixed MATs as risks pertaining to breach of the Trust Deed are significant. Stance comes from Bishop. Acknowledge that this is different to other dioceses. There will be a measured approach to joining DMAT so that central DMAT is resources appropriately o ensure support is in place. We are working in parallel with DMAT to plan growth.

12 1 DMAT, 4 Hub Structure Other small Multi Academy Trusts within the diocese using church majority (at member level) MAT documentation may continue to be formed if permission is granted by the DBE and the Bishop of Coventry. Sir David Carter is on record as saying ‘bare essentials of a MAT are an executive head, a finance director and an HR manager – someone to be accountable for education, someone to keep you out of jail and someone to keep you out of tribunals!’ As non-church schools and non-church academies seek to be incorporated into the diocesan family of academies it is envisaged that an Affiliated MAT be established which may use the mixed MAT documentation if desired. To maintain a structural link with the diocese one member of the affiliated MAT would be appointed by the Diocese of Coventry. The Affiliated status of this MAT would enable academies within it to access the services provided by the Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust and the DBE. Note 1 Coventry DBE will continue to be the sponsor of Church of England schools that require sponsorship unless mutually agreed by the DBE and another Coventry Church of England academy that already has accredited sponsor status The Diocesan Multi Academy Trust into which the vast majority of our diocesan schools will be placed on conversion to academy status Recognising that the DMAT is the accountable body there is a clear Scheme of Delegation setting out those areas of authority devolved to regional academy hubs and academies Note 2 Standard Terms of Reference will apply for each of the Regional Scrutiny and Audit Committees which will act as sub committees of the MAT Board Each Scrutiny and Audit Committee will be chaired by a Director of the Diocese of Coventry Multi Academy Trust, have representation (at governor and/or Headteacher level) from each group of academies as indicated in italics. These committees will be served by those with expertise in a range of key skills needed eg education, finance, HR, governance, law Each Scrutiny and Audit Committee is required to: uphold the central Diocesan vision for the Trust have a detailed knowledge of each academy hold to account lead schools and service providers regularly monitor the outworking of the Scheme of Delegation provide regular and comprehensive reports (using a template structure) to the MAT Board of Directors Note 3 Standard Terms of Reference for each of the Chairs’ Forum and Headteacher Reference Group will identify the remit of these groups There will be a requirement for regular two-way communication between the Regional Scrutiny and Audit Committees and the local governing bodies of each academy relating to best practice, progress etc

13 Strengths Of This Model (1)
The governance strengths of this approach lie in at least two areas: A single MAT Board of Directors drawing from the best of the best across the diocese A series of regional hub Scrutiny and Audit Committees with clear and robust terms of reference. These would act as committees of the DMAT Board with each being Chaired by a DMAT Board Director Giving a more robust governance oversight at regional level as well as an accountable DMAT Board

14 Strengths Of This Model (2)
A clearly articulated, understood, and implemented scheme of delegation with local governing bodies, hub Scrutiny and Audit committees and the DMAT Board taking appropriate action at both preventative and reactionary levels The Headteacher Reference Group within each hub will act as an advisory body as well as potentially having delegated responsibilities particularly in the area of school improvement and especially if any academy requires intervention Like the Headteacher Reference Groups, the Chairs Forums will be advisory as well as possibly having some delegated responsibility. At the very least, this provides a great opportunity to carry out peer to peer annual reviews across local governing bodies within each hub as well as governance effectiveness reviews across hubs

15 So, why would you join? (1) A 5% ‘top-slice’ would pay for:
12 days worth of bespoke school improvement support (combination of office and school based) from the DSIP, as a minimum Finance support, with a finance support officer working with the academy on a regular basis (as needed) Governance support and advice Admissions advice (DMAT is admissions authority but the admissions policy/process is delegated to academy level) All routine HR support including competency, disciplinary, recruitment and pensions Operational support e.g. negotiation of large contracts across the Trust, support with buildings contracts/grants, liaison with outsourced services Access to significant CPD programme for school leaders and governors, curriculum, assessment, inspection preparation and SBM networking and training Sir David Carter (National Schools Commissioner) is on record as saying that ‘MAT top slicing should be around 5 or 6% of pupil income for central services.’ … to be viable. Minimum number of pupils within MAT to make it viable is 1200.

16 So, why would you join? (2) The DMAT does not work on a ‘one size fits all’ principle, rather taking a bespoke approach to address any issues, including a commitment to quality pastoral support in times of need Academies within the DMAT can still work closely with local network clusters as well working alongside other DMAT academies. As one Head recently commented ‘We are in a position of real advantage being able to select groups for support.’ Individual academies retain their own ethos whilst working within the wider DMAT mission statement Support and advice is available during the conversion process

17 And finally … Quotes from DMAT academy Heads (Nov 2015 and Jan 2016)
‘We are experiencing very positive effects having just become an academy (within the DMAT).’ ‘I was resistant to becoming an academy but now find things much better. Change is about progress and moving forward. Becoming an academy can be a very positive experience.’ ‘The school converted to academy status … as a ‘good’ school. The local authority was moving in a different direction and it was clear it was not able to offer the same support as it had done in the past. Since joining the DMAT the school has benefited greatly from the support it receives. The DSIP is fantastic, working alongside me and the SLT to raise the standards of teaching and learning. Networking with the other schools is also proving to be very powerful. … I always know I can contact the DMAT regarding anything and receive quality support and guidance.’

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