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Nox Chitepo, Stanley Ntakumba, Gemma Paine

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Presentation on theme: "Nox Chitepo, Stanley Ntakumba, Gemma Paine"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nox Chitepo, Stanley Ntakumba, Gemma Paine
Republic of South Africa The Presidency Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation The State and Use of Monitoring and Evaluation in the South African Public Service Nox Chitepo, Stanley Ntakumba, Gemma Paine

2 Loose basis for interpretation
Enabling Environment Links with policy & planning & use of M&E info Indicators & info planning Reporting

3 Loose basis for interpretation
No consistency of model (roles, capacity, budgets); weak inputs; weak integration of policy, planning budgeting systems; checking, not accountability & learning; consistent with focus on outputs Enabling Environment Links with policy & planning & use of M&E info Indicators & info planning Reporting

4 System-Based Barriers

5 ‘Culture’-Based Barriers

6 Support required Capacity building and specifically:
Adequate allocation of posts at right post level and with appropriate skill level defined Training for all staff related to standardised roles and responsibilities for M&E Training customised to specific sectors, technical and professional environments, such as health, social development and education Adequate budget allocations Accessible web-based IT system The majority also requested more standardisation across the public service in various forms: Web-based reporting system, software and IT platform for reporting internal & across the public service Norms and standards related to M&E structures, staffing, IT, budgets Understanding and approach to M&E Frameworks for planning, policy development and research to enable an effective link to M&E and integration between departments and spheres Alignment of planning, M&E, policy and research Standardised training for all based on standardised roles and responsibilities for M&E Training for senior managers based on uniform responsibility for M&E

7 Loose basis for interpretation
No consistency of model (roles, capacity, budgets); weak inputs; weak integration of policy, planning budgeting systems; checking, not accountability & learning; consistent with focus on outputs Primary use: identification & monitoring of outputs not based on Theory of Change; weak info available esp for evaluation; limited influence on decisions Enabling Environment Links with policy & planning & use of M&E info Indicators & info planning Reporting

8 Use of M&E in Policy, Planning decisions
Agenda Setting Analysis of, Needs, Problem & Options Theory of Change Design Intervention & Operational Plan Implement, Monitor & Adapt Evaluate & Learn Often/always % Often/always % Never % in all areas Seldom 30 – 45% in many areas Often/always % Often/always 81 – 61%

9 Adequacy of info for evaluation

10 Loose basis for interpretation
No consistency of model (roles, capacity, budgets); weak inputs; weak integration of policy, planning budgeting systems; checking, not accountability & learning; consistent with focus on outputs Primary use: identification & monitoring of outputs not based on Theory of Change; weak info available esp for evaluation; limited influence on decisions Focus on activities & outputs: internal concerns (admin, resources etc) not concerns of those they serve (impact achieved & satisfaction levels) Enabling Environment Links with policy & planning & use of M&E info Indicators & info planning Reporting

11 What gets measured... Comprehensive information on activities (66%) & outputs (59%) Outcomes (31%), impact (25%) & satisfaction levels of those the department serves (16%)

12 Loose basis for interpretation
No consistency of model (roles, capacity, budgets); weak inputs; weak integration of policy, planning budgeting systems; checking, not accountability & learning; consistent with focus on outputs Primary use: identification & monitoring of outputs not based on Theory of Change; weak info available esp for evaluation; limited influence on decisions Focus on activities & outputs: internal concerns (admin, resources etc) not concerns of those they serve (impact achieved & satisfaction levels) General satisfaction with adequacy & value of reports despite the limitations noted in relation to the information & how it gets used. Reasons? Enabling Environment Links with policy & planning & use of M&E info Indicators & info planning Reporting

13 Focus of reports Reporting on activities & outputs without reference to their contribution to quality, relevance & sustainability of benefits?

14 Rating the extent of use of M&E by departments to:

15 They honestly account to the public in terms of use of resources (69%)
Departments that use M&E effectively to make changes have the following characteristics: M&E leads to improvement in results (74%) and they also have a dedicated M&E unit (61%) They honestly account to the public in terms of use of resources (69%) They implement recommendations arising out of M&E (63%) Effectiveness of M&E in the department itself is regularly monitored and evaluated and reports shared (60%) They build a shared understanding among the officials about what matters (56%)

16 Possible groupings emerging?
Based on the assumption that the patterning of stronger and weaker practice reported in the data aligns to consistent groups of departments: 15% with reasonably well institutionalised use of monitoring of internal management issues – budget, activities, outputs & admin issues - and some evaluation capacity driving policy development & planning. About another 35% broadly functional monitoring with marked unevenness in some areas, often particularly related to weak information systems and capacity but a reporting a sense that they are improving. About 20% with little or no established capacity or where the M&E capacity is so new that not much is yet in place. Some in this group are asking for specific intensive support rather than simply discussion forums.


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