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Asthenosphere, Lithosphere, Convection

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Presentation on theme: "Asthenosphere, Lithosphere, Convection"— Presentation transcript:

1 Asthenosphere, Lithosphere, Convection

2 Do Now: 6/11 What continental drift? What is Pangaea?

3 On your Do Now, copy the diagram below and label the layers of the Earth.
Which layer of the Earth contains the continents we live on?

4 Guided Notes: 6/11 Tectonic Plates
A tectonic plate is made of the lithosphere. The lithosphere is crust (oceanic or continental) connected to a hard rock layer below Tectonic plates are moved by the asthenosphere The asthenosphere is a slushy part of the Upper Mantle --10 km The tension between these layers caused Earth’s crust to break into enormous plates --100 km --200 km

5 Guided Notes: 6/11 Tectonic Plates
Lithosphere Asthenosphere -cooler -hard, solid rock -contains the crust and hard part of the mantle -is what tectonic plates are made of -very hot -slushy -causes lithosphere to break into tectonic plates -moves tectonic plates

6 Guided Notes: 6/11 Tectonic Plates
Convection- the cycle of heat rising and cold material sinking (think of boiling water) Works like wheels on a car Tectonic plates move because of convection of the asthenosphere acts like wheels rolling them around

7 Drawing Assignment 1. Draw a diagram of a tectonic plate. Include both oceanic and continental crust, and arrows showing the convection of the asthenospher (Figure 8, pg. 400). Label: continental crust, oceanic crust, lithosphere, asthenosphere, convection arrows Make it look good! We’re putting this up in the classroom!

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