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Diversity In Action Team

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1 Diversity In Action Team
Charlotte January 19, 2012

2 WELCOME! Charlotte January 19, 2012

3 Norms •Focus on the work and stay on task •Experience discomfort
•Speak from Your personal experience. •Listen to others and suspend judgment. •Accept/Expect Non-Closure •Reflect on your students and coworkers with whom you interact on a daily basis. •Accountable for results of Diversity in Action Team Charlotte

4 Announcements Spirit of Excellence Next meetings:
February 16, ISC Rm A, 4:30-6:30 pm March (levels) Elementary School, TBD Middle School, March Central Middle High School, TBD April 19, Location TBD, 4:30-6:30 pm Sara Spirit of Excellence- pick up packet of volunteer responsibilities We need additional time to develop the focus areas on our District Action Plan. The Feb. and April meetings will now be the whole Team. We will spend 1 hour working in our focus areas (HRRP, Assessment, etc.) and 1 hour working in our District area’s (West, North, Central, South). I will be ing everyone which focus area they will be assigned to before our Feb. meeting. March meeting will still be by level. May meeting will follow the same format as last year with each building presentating on their programs and progress.

5 Karen Drake, M.A, ACC Principal of Drake Consulting & Coaching, LLC
Clients: Ameren, St. Louis Children’s Hospital, College Summit, Edward Jones, SLU Today we are excited to have Karen Drake, principal of Drake Consulting and Coaching, here with us to facilitate a workshop on Parkway’s Goal 5 efforts. Karen is frequently sought after to assess organizational climate and readiness for change, and to develop strategies for helping leaders achieve their goals. Her clients include: Ameren, St. Louis Children’s Hospital, Missouri Baptist Medical Center, College, Summit, Deloitte, Edward Jones, Herbert Hoover Boys and Girls Club, Nurses for Newborns, PepsiCo, St. Louis 4 Kids, TRIO, Urban Strategies, YWCA, SLU, and Washington University. Karen has owned and managed a successful organizational effectiveness practice for over 16 years. Karen earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Indiana State University, and her Masters degree in psychology from Washington University. Please welcome Karen Drake. Alright Karen, we’re ready to get started…

6 Agenda Review model for change around Diversity and Inclusion
Articulate DIA’s role in achieving District Goal 5 Leave with an approach for improving your building’s effectiveness in recruiting diverse talent

7 Diversity Change Model

8 Diversity in Action You will need to include a specific slide in your May presentation on the progress of your building’s HRRP goals February 19, ISC Room A, 4:30-6:30 pm

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