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The Independent Chair: The role and situations explored

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1 The Independent Chair: The role and situations explored

2 Independent Chair primary role
Conducting the examination in order to ensure fairness to the candidate and full observance of University procedures

3 Resources
Password: rgc2008form Pre-oral report form IC report form Joint Examiners’ report form

4 Before the viva Refresh regulations Chair the pre-viva meeting
The internal and external examiners should have filled in the pre-oral reports independently. These are used as the basis for an agenda Ensure that procedural questions have been resolved prior to the viva

5 During the viva: setting the tone
Create a friendly environment in which the candidate will be able to perform to his/her best ability Briefly describe the format and procedures of the viva Ask the candidate about: Any special circumstances Supervisor’s presence

6 During the viva: facilitating discussion
Take brief notes on procedural matters Offer ‘comfort breaks’. Ensure everyone has had the opportunity to ask questions. Once questions are finished, ask supervisor to leave. Check if candidate wishes to say/ask anything without the supervisor present. Ask candidate to leave the room and return at agreed time while examiners consider the outcome of the viva.

7 Intervening in the viva
Intervene in the examining process only if: There appears to be bias, misconduct, or unfairness Examiners are diverting from the agenda in such a manner as to disadvantage the candidate (e.g. not letting the candidate defend his/her point of view) “while some intense questioning of the candidate may be required, it should be non-aggressive” Code of Practice, 12(j), p. 22

8 Chairing the examiners’ discussion
Be prepared to advise on Salford regulations and differences between minor corrections and significant revisions. Ensure that the examiners complete and sign the joint examiners’ form (IC also signs).

9 Informing the candidate
Inform the candidate of the examiners’ decision. Stress this is provisional until approved by PRAB. Make sure the candidate and supervisor(s) are clear about what happens next – what corrections are needed (if any) and who will sign them off

10 After the viva Ensure the following are completed and sent to Student Administration within seven days Pre-oral reports Joint Examiners’ Report Independent Chair’s report Ideally, complete JE and IC forms on the day If necessary, participate in any subsequent appeal procedure

11 Academic Appeals Ensuring that vivas are conducted appropriately and fairly, following correct procedures will reduce the number of academic appeals received when viva outcomes are ratified by PRAB - Recent appeals have focused on: Incorrect procedures followed Conduct of viva Mitigating circumstances Incorrect or confusing paperwork Poor supervision/resources (not a reason for appeal) Misunderstanding the roles of those present during a viva Insufficient notice of viva dates

12 Academic Appeals - All paperwork associated with the viva will be requested - An upheld appeal could result in a viva being re-run which increases resource/workload and a poor student experience - When the internal Academic Appeals Procedure has been completed, students can ask the OIA (ombudsman for HE) to undertake an external review

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