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Grade #1 Story/Play I read and give you a completion grade on your “Character Profile” for your main character.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade #1 Story/Play I read and give you a completion grade on your “Character Profile” for your main character."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade #1 Story/Play I read and give you a completion grade on your “Character Profile” for your main character.

2 Tuesday, 11/1/16 Grade #2 Story/Play
From yesterday’s handout, you should have began writing down … Plot ideas (Point A  Point B) Main Plot (what drives the story/conflict) Sub Plots (motivation of characters, stirring up trouble) When your story opens, your reader must first get to know your characters and understand your conflict. So you need to start organizing (roughly) your story.—This is an ongoing process. *Raise your hand when you are ready for me to check this off.

3 Developing Your Story Conflict Grade #3
1. Identify something your character really wants; his/her goal in the story. 2. What is an obstacle or problem with achieving that goal? 3. How might that character solve/overcome that obstacle. 3B. What new problems or complications might arise while overcoming original obstacle.



6 Point of View Grade #4 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using . .. First person point of view? Third person point of view? Second person point of view? Which do you plan to use? Why?

7 Grade #5 After reading “Story Writing Tips: How to Show Your Characters’ Thoughts”, answer the “Character Reaction Questionnaire” for every character you have so far. Show your responses to me when you are finished. Also remember for every character that has any meaningful role in your story/play, you MUST have 1) a character profile—and now 2) a character reaction questionnaire. You will be turning these in with your final story, so do them along the way—but definitely before your character joins your story.

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