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discovered by Belle (140/fb) in: BK p+p-J/y y’p+p-J/y

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1 The X(3872) – enfante terrible of meson spectroscopy Belle Hot Topic (A.Bondar)
discovered by Belle (140/fb) in: BK p+p-J/y y’p+p-J/y X(3872)p+p-J/y M(ppJ/y) – M(J/y) S.K. Choi , S.L.Olsen et al PRL 91,

2 Its existence is well established seen in 4 experiments
CDF 9.4s 11.6s X(3872) D0 BaBar X(3872)

3 X(3872) mass in p+p-J/y channel only
<MX>= ± 0.19 MeV Belle meas. new CDF meas. CDF PRL103,152001(2009) MD0 + MD*0. 2010 ± 0.29 MeV/c2 Dm(deuteron) = -2.2 MeV Dm = ± 0.35 MeV

4 diquark-diquark prediction:
X(3872)p+p- J/y in Belle recent results arXiv: fb-1 diquark-diquark prediction: DM=8±3 MeV Maiani et al PRD71,

5 p+p- system in X(3872)p+p- J/y comes from rp+p-
Belle CDF: PRL rp+p- lineshape p+ M(p+p- ) M(p+p- ) r p- w X3872 J/y What about r-w interference?

6 X(3872)p+p- J/y in CDF MX = 3871.61 ± 0.16 ± 0.19 MeV recent results
PRL103, ~6000 events! MX = ± 0.16 ± 0.19 MeV

7 JPC of the X(3872) CDF definition Belle definition qX qr c qlep
X(3872) rest frame r rest frame qX qr J. Rosner PRD 70, (2004) c qlep

8 Angular distributions for BKX(3872)KrJ/y
Partial Wave basis: 775 MeV X(3872)r J/y is right at threshold  neglect higher partial waves 3872 MeV 3097 MeV 1++: L: S-Wave D-wave S: ,2 2-+: L: P-Wave F-wave S: , ,2 Only 1 amplitude: BLS=B01  1 free parameter: 2 amplitudes: BLS=B11 & B12  3 free parameters normalization normalization complex

9 CDF results All JPC values other than 1++ or 2-+are
1++ fits well with no adjustable parameters 2-+ looks like 1++ for , at least with current statistics All JPC values other than 1++ or 2-+are ruled out with high confidence CDF: PRL 1++ no adj. params 2- + 2 adj. params 1- - O++

10 Angular Analysis at B-factories?

11 cosqX cosc cosqlep cosqr MC JPC= 2-+ a=0.6ei0 MC JPC= 1++ cosqX cosc cosqlep cosqr

12 X(3872)g J/y (y’) ?? BaBar 2009: X3872g/y’ > X3872gJ/y ?!!
PRL 102, 3.6s 3.5s X3872gy’ X3872gJ/y bkg subtracted B(B+K+ X3872)xB(X3872gJ/y)=(2.8±0.8)x10-6 B(B+K+ X3872)xB(X3872gy‘)=(9.5±2.8)x10-6 B(B+K+ X3872)xB(X3872gy’) B(B+K+ X3872)xB(X3872gJ/y) = 3.4 ± 1.4 X3872g/y’ > X3872gJ/y ?!!

13 Belle (May 2010): B+  K+ g J/y
1st evidence for B+K+ cc2 calibration reaction cc1gJ/y 3.6s cc2gj/y Bf(B+K+ cc1)=(49±3)x10-5 Bf(B+K+ cc2)=(1.11±0.37)x10-5 B(B+K+ cc2) B(B+K+ cc1) = ± 0.007 0 -+,1++,1 -- factorization suppression penalty V. Bhardwaj QWG 2010

14 X(3872)g J/y (y’) ?? Belle 2010: disagreement X3872gy’ X3872gJ/y
no signals!! 4.9s B(B+K+ X3872)xB(X3872gJ/y)=(1.8±0.5)x10-6 BaBar: (2.8±0.8)x10-6 B(B+K+ X3872)xB(X3872gy’) B(B+K+ X3872)xB(X3872gJ/y) B(B+K+ X3872)xB(X3872gy’)<3.4 x10-6 <2.1 (90%) BaBar: (9.5±2.8)x10-6 BaBar = 3.4 ± 1.4 disagreement

15 Possible 1++ cc assignment: cc1
_ Mcc2=3930 MeV set by: Mass is too low? 3872 vs 3905 MeV G(cc1  g y’) ~180 keV G(cc1  g J/y) ~14 keV G(cc1  g y’)/G(cc1  g J/y)>>1 T.Barnes et al PRD 72, Gp+p- J/y =(3.4±1.2) GgJ/y ~45 keV huge for Isospin-violating decay c.f.: G(y’p0J/y)≈0.4 keV

16 B  K w J/y (275M BB) Belle 2005: M(p+p-p0 )= mw±22 MeV “Y(3940)”
B(X3872wJ/y) B(X3872p+p-J/y) =1.0 ± 0.5 “Y(3940)” PRL 94, X(3872)”w” J/y not seen in DD*

17 2010: Y(3940) by BaBar M(p+p-p0 )= mw+18 MeV -40 BaBar B+  K+ w J/y
PRD 82, M(p+p-p0 )= mw+18 MeV -40 B+  K+ w J/y B0  K0 w J/y (467M BB) BaBar: M= ± 2.0 MeV G = ± 5 MeV B(B+K+ Y3940)xB(Y3940wJ/y): ( ) x10-5

18 What about X and Y interference?
2010: X3872w J/y by BaBar M(p+p-p0 )= mw+18 MeV -40 B+  K+ w J/y BaBar PRD 82, Nevts =26.7±7.6 B0  K0 w J/y X(3872)”w” J/y ?? B(X3872wJ/y) B(X3872p+p-J/y) =0.8 ± 0.3 S-wave fit prob: 7.1%  1++ P-wave fit prob: 61.9%  2-+ 2-+ favored What about X and Y interference?

19 Possible 2-+ cc assignment: hc2
_ Possible 2-+ cc assignment: hc2 My”=3770 MeV set by: Mass is too high?: 3872 vs 3837 MeV G(hc2  g y’) ~0.4 keV G(hc2  g J/y) ~9 keV G(hc2 g y’)/G(hc2  g J/y)<<1 Y. Jia et al arXiv: Gp+p- J/y =(3.4±1.2) GgJ/y ~30 keV huge for Ispin-violating decay c.f.: G(y’p0J/y)≈0.4 keV BKhc2 violates factorization BKhc not seen BKcc2 barely seen hc2  DD* expected to be tiny Belle & BaBar:: G(XDD*)/G(XppJ/y)=9.5±3.1 Y. Kalasnikova et al arXiv: hc2ghc s& pphc modes expected to dominate


21 Summary Belle results contradict the BaBar claim of a
strong X3872gy’ decay width Angular analyses of X3872p+p-J/y eliminate all JPC other than 1++ & 2 -+ BK X3872 not distinguish (?) 1++ and 2-+ X3872”w”J/y line shape favors 2-+ (but only by ~1.5s) The X3872 properties are not compatible with conventional cc state in any case _

22 Thank You

23 Belle-BaBar direct comparison
Same binning (Belle published result : 253 fb-1) 492fb-1 Belle will update with the complete (4S) data set later this Fall

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