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Mr. DeZilva Philosophy of Religion September 24th, 2013.

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1 Mr. DeZilva Philosophy of Religion September 24th, 2013.
Miracles (Part 1) Mr. DeZilva Philosophy of Religion September 24th, 2013.

2 What to Expect… Be able to understand and demonstrate knowledge of:
Different definitions of a miracle, including Hume’s The biblical concept of a miracle and the issues this raises about God’s activity in the world The concept of a miracle and criticisms made by Hume and Wiles The Implications of the concept of miracle for the problem of Evil Discuss whether modern people can be expected to believe in miracles and what kind of God miracles suggest.

3 Questions to Ask… How might God interact with humanity?
How would YOU define a miracle? What do miracles imply about the nature of God? Do miracles happen today?

4 Case studies Handouts Miracle on 34th Street (Why the “Miracle” in the title? What is the religious relevance?) Prime Minister and God

5 Which ones are Miracles?
Classify each of those stories and explain why they are or are not miracles

6 Defining “Miracle” Comes from the Latin miraculum, meaning “wonder”
Evans: “[Miracles] have a function and purpose, and usually that function is a revelatory one” Hume: “A miracle may be accurately defined, a transgression of a law of nature by a particular volition of the Deity or by the interposition of some invisible agent”  Um… What?

7 Dictionary Def’n of Miracle
1.A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is considered to be divine. 2.A highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment

8 Breaking Hume Homework: break down that definition, research Hume and what he has to say about miracles. Bring the ideas and notes to next class. Homework: Prepare to argue FOR and AGAINST Hume’s definition of Miracle.

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