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1 Will be available online in its entirety
Review Lecture Will be available online in its entirety

2 Quantum Numbers- Table of Allowed Values n l ml 1 2 -1,0,1 3
2 -1,0,1 3 -2,-1,0,1,2 4 1,0,1 2,-1,0,1,2 -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3

3 Limiting Reagents Convert all starting material to moles of one reactant or product I choose CaCl2 because the next part of the questions asks from the amount of CaCl2 made. Compare amounts of product made from each starting material. This assumes that all starting material is converted, its only true of the limiting reagent Lowest amount of product made means that is the limiting reagent. How much CaCO3 would be left over?

4 Empirical Formula In combustion problems (in this class) all
C comes from compound and turns into CO2 H comes from compound and turns into H2O Oxygen comes from both the compound and the O2 gas If we know the total mass combusted, and total C and H, we can solve for leftover mass and that will equal O from the compound Find lowest common ratio (use divide my the smallest number trick)

5 Black Body Radiation Blackbody radiation depends only on temperature of object Given that light bulbs are around 2700 K, why are incandescent bulbs inefficient light sources? Given this information about a light bulb, why are incandescent bulbs inefficient light sources? Most of emmitted light isn’t in the visible rang its in the IR range so its lost as heat. Given that our sun’s temperature is about 5700K what light does our sun emit? Given the differences in the graph above, what would you expect to have a higher temperature, red giant stars or white giant stars?

6 Rydberg Equation: Derivation
If the energy of a given energy level is defined as En=-Rh(1/n2). We can find the difference in energy shells by Enf-Eni ΔE is + Either of these are often shown in text books. Use whichever you prefer but be sure not to mix them up. One has a negative one does not, but they are the same equation!!!! Rydberg's constant is experimental value confirmed by Shrodinger’s theory ΔE is - ΔE is positive if going from low to high energy shell i.e. ground state to anything, 25 ect… Words such as “photon absorbed” will be used. ΔE is negative if going from high to low energy. i.e. anything to ground state, 52 ect… Words such as “photon emitted” will be used. E=hν=hc/λ This energy is the energy of one photon. This must always be positive!


8 Energies of Orbitals E Everything other than Hydrogen Hydrogen
Ect….to infinity Ect….to infinity E

9 Electromagnetic Spectrum
As wavelength increases what happens to frequency? does it: Increase Decrease Decrease As wavelength increases what happens to Energy? does it: Increase Decrease Decrease blue has higher frequency Blue has higher energy no all are the speed of light (c) Answer the Following: Which has greater frequency red light or UV light? UV Which has greater energy? IR light or Orange light orange Does blue light have greater speed than red light? NO! all have same speed

10 Other Transitions I want you to recognize fluorescence and phosphorescence

11 Lasers Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
Explain laser pulses

12 Wave or Particle? Summary: Experiments show it has properties of both.
Photo electric effect: Particle like Double split experiment wavelike This is true of very small matter Largest so far to have measurable wave-like properties is those with mass 1610 amu

13 Double Split Experiment: Young

14 Photoelectric Effect What do you think happens if the intensity of light is increased but the frequency of the electrons stay the same? If the photon is exactly the energy of the work function the electrons will be knocked loose If the energy of the photon is higher the electrons will acquire kinetic energy KE=hν-W

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