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(Please have your homework out)

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1 (Please have your homework out)
Warm Up – Wednesday, (Please have your homework out) Factor the equation, then solve for 𝒙 to find the roots. 𝒙 𝟐 −𝟗𝒙+𝟏𝟖=𝟎

2 Blockbusters!!! Algebra 1 : Factoring

3 Choose a Question A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y

4 A B.

5 B Factor. 𝟐𝟒 𝒙 𝟐 −𝟖𝒙 8𝑥(3𝑥−1)

6 C Factor. −𝟏𝟑 𝒎 𝟐 −𝟑𝟗 𝒎 𝟑 −13 𝑚 2 (3𝑚+1)

7 D Factor. 𝟗 𝒑 𝟑 −𝟏𝟐 𝒑 𝟐 3 𝑝 2 (3𝑝−4)

8 E Simplify. 𝒄 𝟑 + 𝒄 𝟐 −𝟔𝒄 A. 𝒄 𝒄 𝟐 +𝒄−𝟔 B. 𝒄(𝒄+𝟑)(𝒄−𝟐) C. 𝒄(𝒙−𝟑)(𝒙+𝟐)
D. Cannot Simplify B.

9 F Factor and find the roots. 𝟐 𝒙 𝟐 +𝟖𝒙=𝟎 𝑥=0 𝑥=−4 (0, 0) (−4, 0)

10 G Factor and find the roots. −𝟏𝟒𝒙−𝟓𝟔=𝟎 𝑥=−4 (−4, 0)

11 H Solve. 𝒙 𝟐 +𝟐𝟎𝒙=𝟎 A. 𝒙=𝟎 B. 𝒙=−𝟐𝟎 C. 𝒙=𝟎, 𝒙=−𝟐𝟎 D. No solution C.

12 I Factor and find the roots. −𝟔𝒙+𝟑𝟎 𝒙 𝟐 =𝟎 𝑥=0 𝑥= 1 5
𝑥=0 𝑥= 1 5 (0, 0) ( 1 5 , 0)

13 J Factor and find the roots. 𝟓 𝒙 𝟐 =𝟏𝟓𝒙 𝑥=0 𝑥=3 (0, 0) (3, 0)

14 K Factor. 𝟗 𝒙 𝟐 −𝟏 (3𝑥+1)(3𝑥−1)

15 L Factor. 𝒙 𝟐 +𝟔𝒙+𝟖 (𝑥+2)(𝑥+4)

16 M Factor. 𝟐 𝒙 𝟐 −𝟖 (2𝑥+4)(𝑥−2)

17 N What is the interval on which this graph is increasing?
B. −𝟏<𝒙<∞ C. −∞<𝒙<∞ D. −∞<𝒙<𝟒 A.

18 O Factor. 𝟗 𝒙 𝟐 −𝟔𝒙+𝟏 (3𝑥−1)(3𝑥−1)

19 P If the solutions for a quadratic function are 𝒙=−𝟐 and 𝒙=𝟐. Then what is the axis of symmetry? A. 𝒙=𝟎 B. 𝒙=−𝟏 C. 𝟎, 𝟐 D. There is no axis of symmetry. A.

20 Q Factor and find the roots. 𝒙 𝟐 −𝟏𝟓𝒙+𝟑𝟔=𝟎 (𝑥−12)(𝑥−3)

21 R Factor and find the roots. 𝒙 𝟐 −𝟒=𝟎 (𝑥−2)(𝑥+2)

22 S Solve. (𝑥−6) (𝑥+2) 𝑥=6 𝑥=−2 C.

23 T Factor and find the roots. 𝒙 𝟐 −𝟏𝟒𝒙+𝟒𝟗=𝟎 (𝑥−7) (𝑥−7) 𝑥=7 𝑥=7
(𝑥−7) (𝑥−7) 𝑥=7 𝑥=7 (7, 0) (7, 0)

24 U Simplify. 𝟏 𝟐 𝒙 𝟐 +𝒙−𝟏𝟐 A. 𝒙 𝟐 +𝒙−𝟐𝟒 B. (𝒙+𝟑)(𝒙−𝟐) C. (𝒙−𝟑)(𝒙+𝟐)
𝟏 𝟐 𝒙 𝟐 +𝒙−𝟏𝟐 A. 𝒙 𝟐 +𝒙−𝟐𝟒 B. (𝒙+𝟑)(𝒙−𝟐) C. (𝒙−𝟑)(𝒙+𝟐) D. 𝒙 𝟐 +𝟑𝒙−𝟐𝒙−𝟔 D.

25 V Factor. 𝟐 𝒙 𝟐 +𝟏𝟓𝒙+𝟕 (2𝑥+1)(𝑥+7)

26 W Factor. 𝒙 𝟐 −𝟒𝒙−𝟑𝟐 (𝑥−8)(𝑥+4)

27 X Solve. 𝒙 𝟐 −𝟔𝒙=𝟐𝟕 A. (𝒙−𝟗)(𝒙+𝟑) B. 𝒙=−𝟗, 𝒙=𝟑 C. 𝒙−𝟑 𝒙+𝟗 D. 𝒙=𝟑, 𝒙=−𝟗
(𝑥−9) (𝑥+3) 𝑥=9 𝑥=−3 (9, 0) (−3, 0) A.

28 Y Factor. 𝟐 𝒙 𝟐 −𝟏𝟏𝒙+𝟓 (2𝑥−1)(𝑥−5)

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