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Welcome Fourth Grade Parents

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Fourth Grade Parents"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Fourth Grade Parents
We appreciate all of your help and support!

2 Mrs. Hayes, Ms. Arnold, & Mrs. Craddock,
Math Mrs. Hayes, Ms. Arnold, & Mrs. Craddock,

3 Grade Weights-Math 60% Classwork 40% Unit Assessments and Quizzes

4 Math Units - 4th grade Unit 1- Whole numbers, place value, & rounding in computation Unit 2- Multiplication & Division of Whole numbers Unit 3- Fraction Equivalents Unit 4- Operations with Fractions Unit 5- Fractions and Decimals Unit 6- Geometry Unit7- Measurement Unit 8- Show what we know

5 4th grade Science and Social Studies Units
Ms. Arnold and Ms. Maples

6 Grade Weights-Science and Social Studies
60% Classwork 40% Assessments and Quizzes

7 Science Units Water Cycle/ Weather Solar System Light and Sound
Force & Motion Ecosystem, Survival & Extinction

8 Social Studies Units American Revolution The New Nation
Westward Expansion Civil War and Reconstruction Personal Finance

9 Reading and Language Arts
Mrs. Schafer, Mr. Wesolowski and Mrs. Craddock -Reading and Writing Mrs. Hayes and Ms. Maples-Writing

10 Grade Weights-Reading and Language Arts
60% Classwork 40% Assessments and Quizzes

11 Implementing Reading and Writing Workshop Framework
Using the Lucy Calkins Writing Workshop as a resource and model

12 Why Units of Study? Children who leave school today without strong literacy skills will no longer find a job waiting for them! We must raise the rigor of our work with writers.

13 Writing Units Unit 1 Arc of the Story-Creating Realistic Fiction
Unit 2 Boxes and Bullets-Personal and Persuasive Essays Unit 3 Bringing History to Life-Informational Writing on the American Revolution Unit 4 Literary Essays-Writing about Fiction Unit 5 Milestones Writing Preparation Unit 6 Writing Historical Fiction

14 Reading Units of Study Using the Lucy Calkins Reading Workshop as a resource and model
Unit 1 Interpreting Characters: The Heart of the Story- Fiction Unit 2 Reading the Weather, Reading the World (Non Fiction) Unit 3 Reading History: The American Revolution Unit 4 Interpretation Book Clubs: Reading Like a Fan Author Study Unit 5 Milestones Preparation/Poetry Unit 6 Historical Fiction Clubs

15 Bear Time Bear Time will be a time to review skills students need additional help with and to create enriching activities to reinforce skills. Second Step-Social and Emotional Program-Research Based

16 Please Join Us! Ms. Arnold and Mrs. Schafer
Mr. W Mrs. Hayes and Ms. Maples Child’s Homeroom from 7:10-7:25 7:30-8:00 In Mr. W’s room Ms. Arnold and Mrs. Schafer Go you your Child’s Homeroom Will switch after a brief presentation. If you have a specific concern about your child, please your teacher to set up a different time to communicate.

17 Thanks for Your Support!
Education is a partnership between parents, teachers, and students. We are looking forward to a great year!

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