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Narratives and Characters
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Review Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms Spelling Workbook: Review of Year 3 Posttest p. 7 Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Workbook: Review of Year 3 Pretest p. 1 Picture Dictionary: explain, describe, identify Spelling Workbook: Review of Year 3 Spell Incorrect Words 5 Times p. 3 Grammar Workbook: Review of Year 3 ACELA1482 Use verbs of different types. Spelling Activity p. 5 NAPLAN Editing p. 6 Grammar Workbook: Review of Year 3 ACELA1482 Use verbs of different types. Reading Fluency 30 minutes Selection from ACELT1604 Explain characterisation. p. #2 ACELY1692 Read book of your choosing. Selection from ACELT1604 Explain characterisation. p. 9 Lessons 100 minutes ACELT1604 Explain characterisation. ACELT1604 Explain characterisation. (continued) ACELY1696 Handwriting Workbook pp. 2-3 ACELA1493 Identify prepositional phrases. p. 12 pp. 4-5 p. 19 pp. 6-7 Scripts
Narratives and Characters
Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Review Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms Spelling Workbook: Review of Year 3 Plural Nouns Posttest p. 15 Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Workbook: Review of Year 3 Plural Nouns Pretest p. 9 Picture Dictionary: recognise, attribute, text Spelling Workbook: Review of Year 3 Plural Nouns Spell Incorrect Words 5 Times p. 11 Grammar Workbook: Review Year 3 ACELA1482 Use verbs of different types. p. 4 Spelling Workbook: Review of Year 3 Plural Nouns Spelling Activity p. 13 Spelling Workbook: Review of Year 3 Plural Nouns NAPLAN Editing p. 14 Grammar Workbook: Review Year 3 ACELA1482 Use simple tense verbs. p. 5 Reading Fluency 30 minutes Selection from ACELT1604 Explain characterisation. p. 10 Selection from ACELA1490 Recognise the attributes of a narrative. p. 34 ACELY1692 Read book of your choosing. Selection from ACELY1690 Identify the language features of imaginative text. p. 51 Lessons 100 minutes ACELA1492 Use quotation marks. p. 22 ACELT1604 Explain characterisation. ACELA1490 Recognise the attributes of a narrative. p. 33 p. 30 ACELY1696 Handwriting Workbook pp. 8-9 ACELA1490 Recognise the attributes of a narrative. (continued) pp ACELY1690 Identify the language features of imaginative text. p. 50 ACELA1493 Identify prepositional phrases. p. 20 pp
Narratives and Characters
Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Review Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms Spelling Workbook: Review of Year 3 Uncommon Plurals Posttest p. 23 ACELY1696 Handwriting Workbook pp Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Workbook: Review of Year 3 Uncommon Plurals Pretest p. 17 Picture Dictionary: explain, sequence, relationship Spelling Workbook: Review of Year 3 Uncommon Plurals Spell Incorrect Words 5 Times p. 19 Grammar Workbook: Review Of Year 3 ACELA1482 Use simple tense verbs. p. 7 Spelling Workbook: Review of Year 3 Uncommon Plurals Spelling Activity p. 21 Spelling Workbook: Review of Year 3 Uncommon Plurals NAPLAN Editing p. 22 Grammar Workbook: Review Of Year 3 ACELA1482 Use simple tense verbs. p. 9 Reading Fluency 30 minutes Selection from ACELA1491 Explain how transitions provide sequence in text. p. 63 Selection from ACELA1490 Recognise the attributes of a narrative. p. 44 Selection from ACELY1690 Identify the language features of imaginative text. p. 59 ACELY1692 Read book of your choosing. Lessons 100 minutes ACELA1491 Explain how transitions provide sequence in text. p. 62 ACELA1492 Use quotation marks. p. 31 ACELA1491 Explain how transitions provide sequence in text. (continued) ACELA1490 Recognise the attributes of a narrative. pp ACELY1690 Identify the language features of imaginative text. pp Quiz 1
Writing Narratives Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20 Review
Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms Spelling Workbook: ACELA1779 Double Consonants Posttest p. 31 ACELY1696 Handwriting Workbook pp Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Workbook: ACELA1779 Double Consonants Pretest p. 25 Picture Dictionary: plan, text, edit, revise Spelling Workbook: ACELA1779 Double Consonants Spell Incorrect Words 5 Times p. 27 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1492 Use quotation marks in dialogue. p. 10 Spelling Activity p. 29 NAPLAN Editing p. 30 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1493 Identify prepositional phrases. p. 14 Reading Fluency 30 minutes Selection from ACELA1491 Explain how transitions provide sequence in text. p. 72 Selection from ACELY1690 Identify the language features of imaginative text. p. 60 Selection from ACELA1490 Recognise the attributes of a narrative. p. 46 ACELY1692 Read book of your choosing. Lessons 100 minutes ACELT1794 Plan a narrative. p. 75 ACELA1491 Explain how transitions provide sequence in text. ACELT1604 Explain characterisation. p. 11 ACELT1794 Plan a narrative. (continued) ACELY1690 Identify the language features of imaginative text. pp ACELY1695 Edit text. p. 84 ACELA1490 Recognise the attributes of a narrative. p. 81 pp ACELY1695 Revise text. p. 98 p. 95 ACELA1493 Identify prepositional phrases. p. 21 pp
Writing Narratives Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25 Assessment
Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms Spelling Workbook: ACELA1779 Double Consonants Posttest p. 39 Assessments are done throughout the week, in addition to review. Teachers can adjust the pace of review & assessments as needed. Assessment 1 Writing Assessment 1 Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Workbook: ACELA1779 Double Consonants Pretest p. 33 Picture Dictionary: determine, quotation, organise Spelling Workbook: ACELA1779 Double Consonants Spell Incorrect Words 5 Times p. 35 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1492 Use quotation marks in direct quotation. p. 12 Spelling Activity p. 37 NAPLAN Editing p. 38 Grammar Workbook: ACELY1694 Write compound sentences. p. 16 Reading Fluency 30 minutes Selection from ACELA1491Explain how transitions provide sequence in text. p. 73 ACELY1692 Read book of your choosing. Selection from ACELY1690 Identify the language features of imaginative text. p. 61 Lessons 100 minutes ACELY1694 Write a narrative. p. 110 ACELA1491 Explain how transitions provide sequence in text. ACELY1695 Revise text. p. 107 ACELT1794 Plan a narrative. p. 82 ACELY1694 Write a narrative. (continued) ACELA1492 Use quotation marks. p. 32 ACELY1695 Edit text. p. 96 ACELY1696 Handwriting Workbook pp ACELY1694 Identify and write compound sentences. p. 132 ACELY1690 Identify the language features of imaginative text. p. 121 pp Review pp. 32
Non-Fiction: Expositions
Day 26 Day 27 Day 28 Day 29 Day 30 Review Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms Spelling Workbook: ACELA1779 Double Consonants Posttest p. 47 Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Workbook: ACELA1779 Double Consonants Pretest p. 41 Picture Dictionary: attribute, explain, emphasize Spelling Workbook: ACELA1779 Double Consonants Spell Incorrect Words 5 Times p. 43 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1493 Identify prepositional phrases. p. 15 Spelling Activity p. 45 NAPLAN Editing p. 46 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1494 Identify direct and indirect speech. p. 20 Reading Fluency 30 minutes ACELY1692 Read book of your choosing. Selection from ACELA1490 Recognise the attributes of informational text. p. 160 Selection from ACELY1690 Identify the language features of informative text. p. 171 Lessons 100 minutes ACELA1494 Identify direct and indirect speech. p. 149 ACELY1694 Identify and write compound sentences. p. 146 ACELY1695 Revise text. p. 108 ACELY1696 Handwriting Workbook pp ACELA1490 Recognise the attributes of informational text. p. 159 p. 156 ACELA1490 Recognise the attributes of a narrative. p. 48 p. 35 ACELY1690 Identify the language features of informative text. p. 170 p. 167 ACELY1694 Write a narrative. p. 125 p. 147 ACELY1690 Identify the language features of informative text. (continued) ACELA1491 Explain how transitions provide sequence in text. p. 74
Non-Fiction: Expositions
Day 31 Day 32 Day 33 Day 34 Day 35 Review Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms Spelling Workbook: ACELA1779 Consonant Clusters Posttest p. 55 ACELY1696 Handwriting Workbook pp Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Workbook: ACELA1779 Consonant Clusters Pretest p. 49 Picture Dictionary: digital, access, function Spelling Workbook: ACELA1779 Spell Consonant Clusters Spell Incorrect Words 5 Times p. 51 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1492 Use quotation marks in titles. p. 13 Spelling Workbook: ACELA1779 Consonant Clusters Spelling Activity p. 53 NAPLAN Editing p. 54 Grammar Workbook: ACELY1694 Write compound sentences. p. 18 Reading Fluency 30 minutes Selection from ACELY1690 Identify the language features of informative text. p. 179 Selection from ACELA1490 Recognise the attributes of informational text. p. 168 ACELY1692 Read book of your choosing. Lessons 100 minutes ACELA1495 Determine the function of prepositional phrases. p. 182 ACELY1690 Identify the language features of informative text. ACELA1494 Identify direct and indirect speech. p. 157 ACELT1794 Plan a narrative. p. 83 ACELA1495 Determine the function of prepositional phrases. (continued) ACELA1490 Recognise the attributes of informational text. pp ACELA1793 Navigate a website. p. 192 p. 189 ACELY1695 Edit text. p. 97 p Quiz 2
Non-Fiction: Expositions
Day 36 Day 37 Day 38 Day 39 Day 40 Review Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms Spelling Workbook: ACELA1779 Consonant Clusters Posttest p. 63 ACELY1696 Handwriting Workbook pp Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Workbook: ACELA1779 Consonant Clusters Pretest p. 57 Picture Dictionary: topic, details, support Spelling Workbook: ACELA1779 Consonant Clusters Spell Incorrect Words 5 Times p. 59 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1494 Identify direct and indirect speech. p. 21 Spelling Activity p. 61 NAPLAN Editing p. 62 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1495 Determine the function of prepositional phrases. p. 23 Reading Fluency 30 minutes ACELY1692 Read book of your choosing. Selection from ACELY1690 Identify the language features of informative text. p. 180 Lessons 100 minutes ACELY1694 Plan informative text. p. 197 ACELA1495 Determine the function of prepositional phrases. p. 190 ACELY1695 Revise text. p. 109 pp ACELY1694 Plan informative text. (continued) ACELY1694 Identify and write compound sentences. p. 148 p ACELY1694 Write informative text. p. 208 p. 205 pp ACELY1694 Write informative text. (continued) ACELY1690 Identify the language features of informative text. ACELY1694 Write a narrative. p. 129
Non-Fiction: Expositions
Day 41 Day 42 Day 43 Day 44 Day 45 Assessment Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms Spelling Workbook: Review of Term 1 Posttest p. 71 Assessments are done throughout the week, in addition to review. Teachers can adjust the pace of review & assessments as needed. Assessment 2 Writing Assessment 2 Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Workbook: Review of Term 1 Pretest p. 65 Picture Dictionary: provide, benefit, proven Spelling Workbook: Review of Term 1 Spell Incorrect Words 5 Times p. 67 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1494 Identify direct and indirect speech. p. 22 Spelling Activity p. 69 Spelling Workbook: Review of Term 1 NAPLAN Editing p. 70 Reading Fluency 30 minutes Selection from ACELA1490 Recognise the attributes of informational text. p. 169 Selection from ACELY1690 Identify the language features of informative text. p. 181 Review ACELY1696 Handwriting Workbook pp p. 58 Lessons 100 minutes ACELY1682 Identify complex sentences. p. 225 ACELA1490 Recognise the attributes of informational text. ACELA1494 Identify direct and indirect speech. p. 158 ACELY1684 Handwriting Workbook pp ACELY1694 Write informative text. (continued) p. 208 ACELY1694 Plan informative text. p. 206 ACELY1690 Identify the language features of informative text. pp
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