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9/21 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives)

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1 9/21 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives)
I can speak only in the target language during the 10 minutes Chinese Social Time. I can speak and read the vocabulary in Lesson 15 Dialogue 1. I can write 发烧 fāshāo (to have a fever); 医院 yīyuàn (hospital) and 看病 kànbìng (to see a doctor). Quiz Today: 你把这个药吃了。 Nǐ bǎ zhè ge yào chī le. (Take the medicine.)

2 你把这个药吃了。 9/21 小考 xiǎo kǎo (Quiz) Nǐ bǎ zhè ge yào chī le.
Take the medicine.

3 你发烧了,你要去医院看病。 9/24 小考 xiǎo kǎo (Quiz)
Nǐ fāshāo le nǐ yào qù yīyuàn kànbìng. You have a fever, you should/have to go to the hospital to see a doctor.

4 Dì kè: kàn bìng 第十五课:看病 Lesson Fifteen: Seeing A Doctor

5 Duì huà yī Wǒ de dù zi tòng sǐ le 对话一:我的肚子痛死了!My Stomachache Is Killing Me!

6 第十五课 学习目标 (Lesson 15 Learning objectives)
In this lesson, you will learn to use Chinese to Talk about basic symptoms of a cold; Describe common symptoms of allergies; Understand and repeat instructions on when and how often to take medications; Talk about why you do or don’t want to see the doctor; Urge others to see a doctor when they are not feeling well.

7 第十五课 文法重点 (Lesson 15 Grammar Points)
Forms & Accuracy: 死 (sǐ) indicating an Extreme Degree Times of Actions 起来 (qǐ lái) indicating the Beginning of an Action 把 (bǎ) Construction (I) The measure words for times of actions: 次cì and 遍 biàn.

8 复习 fùxí (Review) Shēntǐ de bùwèi 身体的部位 Body Parts

9 脸 liǎn (face)

10 音乐活动时间 (Total Physical Response & music Time)
头兒肩膀膝腳趾 Head Shoulders Knees&Toes Tóu er, jiānbǎng, xī jiǎozhǐ, xī jiǎozhǐ tóu er, jiānbǎng, xī jiǎozhǐ yǎn, ěr, bí hé kǒu 头儿、肩膀、膝 腳趾、膝 腳趾 头儿、肩膀、膝 腳趾 眼、耳、鼻和口

11 第十五课 对话一 生词

12 Bìng illness; to become ill n/v

13 kàn bìng 看病 to see a doctor; (of a doctor) to see a patient vo

14 Bìngrén 病人 patient

15 fā shāo 发烧 to have a fever vo

16 Yīyuàn 医院 hospital

17 Dù zi 肚子 stomach n

18 Téng Aching adj

19 téng sǐ 疼死 really painful adj + c

20 yèli 夜里 at night n

21 cèsuǒ 厕所 restroom, toilet n

22 bīngxiāng 冰箱 refrigerator n

23 tǎng xia 躺下 to lie down vc

24 jiǎnchá 检查 to examine v

25 huài bad adj

26 chī huài 吃坏 to get sick because of bad food vc

27 bànfǎ 办法 method; way (of doing something) n

28 Zhēn needle n

29 dǎ zhēn 打针 to get an injection vo

30 yào medicine n

31 piàn measure word for tablet; slice m

32 xiǎoshí 小时 hour n

33 次 (cì) Times of Actions It is the measure word most frequently used to indicate that an action is performed a certain number of times. The “number + 次 (cì)” combination follows the verb.

34 biàn measure word for complete courses of an action or instances of an action m

35 hǎo jǐ 好几 quite a few

36 indicating a thing is disposed of prep

37 第十五课 对话一 语法

38 死 (sǐ) Indicating an Extreme Degree
Placed after an adjective, 死 (sǐ) can serve as a complement to indicate an extreme degree of the condition named by the adjective.

39 téng sǐ le 疼死了 really painful adj + c

40 Dùzi téng sǐ le 肚子疼死了! n+adj + c

41 死 (sǐ) Indicating an Extreme Degree
Adj+死了 难吃死了! 冷死了! 高興死了!

42 死 (sǐ) often follows an adjective with a pejorative meaning and therefore the combination carries a negative connotation. Occasionally, however, it may also be used in a positive context.

43 知道了这件事,她高兴死了。 Zhīdào le zhè jiàn shì, tā gāoxìng sǐ le.
She was tickled pink when he learned about this.

44 打针疼死了。 Dǎ zhēn téng sǐ le. It’s extremely painful to get a shot.

45 我饿死了。 Wǒ è sǐ le. I’m starving.

46 今天热死了。 Jīntiān rè sǐ le. It’s awfully hot today.

47 说话练习 shuō huà lián xí (Speaking Practice)
Nǐ zěnme le, nǎ’er bú shūfú Q: 你怎么了,哪儿不舒服? What's wrong with you, where is it uncomfortable? Wǒ dùzi téng sǐ le A:我肚子疼死了! My stomachache is killing me!

48 Q: 你怎么了,哪儿不舒服? A:我肚子疼死了! 9/18 小考 xiǎo kǎo (Quiz)
Nǐ zěnme le, nǎ’er bú shūfú Q: 你怎么了,哪儿不舒服? What's wrong with you, where is it uncomfortable? Wǒ dùzi téng sǐ le A:我肚子疼死了! My stomachache is killing me!

49 起来 (qi lai) indicates the moment when something static becomes dynamic.
It signifies the beginning of an action or state.

50 冷起来 好起來了 忙起来了 多起来了 站起來 打起来了 唱起來了 笑起來了 吃起飯來了 做起功課來了 聊着聊着,他们就说起英文来了。

51 我们一见面就聊起来了。 Wǒmen yí jiàn miàn jiù liáo qi lai le
We began chatting as soon as we met.

52 吃完蛋糕,他肚子就疼起来了。 Xià le kè yǐhòu, xuésheng men dǎ qi qiú lai.
The students started to play ball after the class was over.

53 他一回家就写起信来。 Tā yì huí jiā jiù xiě qi xìn lai.
He began to write a letter as soon as he got home.

54 下了课以后,学生们打起球来。 Xià le kè yǐhòu, xuésheng men dǎ qi qiú lai.
The students started to play ball after the class was over.

55 Note that the object is placed between 起 (qi) and 来 (lai), rather than after 起来 (qi lai).

56 他寫起信來。 我高興得跳了起來。 一到十月,天气就冷起来了。 我頭疼得哭了起來。 这个月王先生的工作忙起来了. 上中文三以后,功课多起来了 我高興得唱了起歌來。 他已經病了三天了,今天開始好起來了。 小白很餓,所以她一回家就吃起飯來。 他很用功,一回家就做起功課來。

57 次 (cì) Times of Actions It is the measure word most frequently used to indicate that an action is performed a certain number of times. The “number + 次 (cì)” combination follows the verb.

58 上午我打了两次电话。 Shàngwǔ wǒ dǎ le liǎng cì diànhuà.
I made two phone calls in the morning.

59 昨天我吃了三次药。 Zuótiān wǒ chī le sān cì yào.
I took the medicine three times yesterday.

60 If the object is not a person or a place, 次 (cì) should be placed between the verb and the object.
If the object represents a person or a place, 次 (cì) can go either between the verb and the object or after the object.

61 去年我去了中国两次。 去年我去了一次中国。你呢? Qùnián wǒ qù le Zhōngguó liǎng cì.
Last year I went to China twice. 去年我去了一次中国。你呢? Qùnián wǒ qù le yí cì Zhōngguó Nǐ ne? Last year I went to China once. How about you?

62 A: 昨天我找了三次王医生。 B:是吗?昨天我也找了王医生三次。
Zuótiān wǒ zhǎo le sān cì Wáng yīshēng. I went looking for Dr. Wang three times yesterday. B:是吗?昨天我也找了王医生三次。 Shì ma? Zuótiān wǒ yě zhǎo le Wáng yīshēng sān cì. Is that right? I also went looking for Dr. Wang three times yesterday.

63 If the object is a personal pronoun, however, 次 (cì) must follow the object.

64 我昨天找了他两次,他都不在。 Wǒ zuótiān zhǎo le tā liǎng cì, tā dōu bú zài.
Yesterday I went looking for him twice, but he was not in either time.

65 遍 (biàn) is another measure word for occurrences of actions,
but it pertains to the entire course of the action from the beginning to the end.

66 请你念一遍课文。 Qǐng nǐ niàn yí biàn kèwén.
Please read the text (from the beginning to the end) once

67 Nouns denoting body parts involved in the actions can also sometimes serve as measure words for occurrences of actions.

68 昨天晚上我吃了几口… Zuótiān wǎnshang wǒ chī le jǐ
I ate a few mouthfuls last night… kǒu…

69 把 (bǎ) Construction Subject + 把 (bǎ) + Object + Verb + Other Element (Complement/了{le}, etc.)

70 In the 把 (bǎ) construction, what follows the position 把 (bǎ) and precedes the verb serves as both the object of 把 (bǎ) and the object of the verb. In general, a sentence in the 把 (bǎ) construction highlights the subject’s disposal of or impact upon the object, with the result of the disposal or impact indicated by the element following the verb.

71 我把你要的书找到了。 Wǒ bǎ nǐ yào de shū zhǎo dào le.
I have found the books that you wanted. The resultative complement 到 (dào) serves as the “other element.”

72 你把这个字写错了。 Nǐ bǎ zhè ge zì xiě cuò le.
You wrote this character incorrectly. The resultative complement 错 (cuò) serves as the “other element.” the subject 你 (nǐ) exerts an impact on the character through the action of 写 (xiě), of which 错 (cuò) is the result.

73 请把那条裤子给我。 Qǐng bǎ nà tiáo kùzi gěi wǒ.
Please pass me that pair of pants. The indirect object 我 (wǒ) serves as the “other element.”

74 你把这篇课文看看。 Nǐ bǎ zhè piān kèwén kàn kan.
Would you take a look at this text? The reduplicated verb 看 (kàn) serves as the “other element.”

75 把这杯咖啡喝了! Bǎ zhè bēi kāfēi hē le! Finish up this cup of coffee!

76 你怎么把女朋友的生日忘了? Nǐ zěnme bǎ nǚpéngyou de shēngrì wàng le?
How did you manage to forget your girlfriend’s birthday?

77 Compare the following two sentences:
老王给了小张一些钱。 Lǎo Wáng gěi le Xiǎo Zhāng yì xiē qián. Old Wang gave Little Zhang some money. 老王把钱给小张了。 Lǎo Wáng bǎ qián gěi Xiǎo Zhāng le. Old Wang gave the money to Little Zhang.

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