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The Book of Daniel Chapter Ten.

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1 The Book of Daniel Chapter Ten

2 The Book of Daniel Timeline
538 Cyrus takes Babylon – issues decree (Ezra 1) Command to rebuild (Ezra 6) 444 BC Nehemiah rebuilds the walls 330 BC Alexander destroys Persepolis ca. 4-1 BC Jesus is born ca AD Jesus’ three year public ministry ca AD Jesus is crucified 70 AD The Temple is destroyed by Titus 500 BC 400 BC 300 BC 200 BC 100 BC AD 100 AD

3 Daniel Spans Two Kingdoms Chapters 1-5 Nebuchadnezzar - Belshazzar
The Book of Daniel Daniel Spans Two Kingdoms Chapters 1-5 Nebuchadnezzar - Belshazzar Babylonian B.C. Medo-Persian B.C. Prophecies 7-8 Chapter 6 Darius the Mede-Cyrus Prophecies 9-12

4 Addresses Things That Will Occur During
The Book of Daniel Chapter Seven Babylonian B.C. Medo-Persian B.C. Greco-Macedonian B.C. Roman 63 B.C.-455 A.D. Revealed During Addresses Things That Will Occur During

5 Addresses Things That Will Occur During
The Book of Daniel Chapter Eight Babylonian B.C. Medo-Persian B.C. Greco-Macedonian B.C. Revealed During Addresses Things That Will Occur During

6 Address Things That Will Occur During
The Book of Daniel Chapters Nine & Ten Revealed During Medo-Persian B.C. Greco-Macedonian B.C. Address Things That Will Occur During

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