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Jeffersonian Democracy & The Early Republic PART 8

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1 Jeffersonian Democracy & The Early Republic PART 8
Topic 9 Jeffersonian Democracy & The Early Republic PART 8

2 APUSH PowerPoint #4.1 (Part 8 of 8)
Unit #4 – Overlapping Revolutions Chapters 7-8 BFW Textbook TOPIC – Jeffersonian Democracy & Early Republic [ ]

3 I. Treaty of Ghent of 1814 Terms of the Treaty
Ended the war, but did not grant any land exchanges. Kept the Mississippi River open to trade and expansion from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.

4 J. The Hartford Convention

5 K. Aftermath of the War Inspired Patriotism & Nationalism
A strong sense of Nationalism led to the “Era of Good Feelings” (1817—1825). A rise in the production of American-made goods (specifically in New England). An explosion in the textile industry fueled the supply of cotton by Southern planters perpetuating slavery. A new brand of nationalist leaders arose as the last of the Revolution-class began to leave politics.

6 Reversal of Roles by Republicans & Federalists

7 Making Connections – Topic 9
Jefferson’s embargo and the War of 1812 encouraged the beginnings of manufacturing in the United States which will be discussed in later chapters.

8 Making Connections – Topic 9
The Federalist Party collapsed because of its opposition to the War of But, as the next chapter will explain, Republicans did not prosper as much as might have expected in the absence of political opposition.

9 Making Connections – Topic 9
The American success in the War of 1812 (a moral victory at best) led to a tremendous sense of nationalism as will be analyzed in the next few chapters.

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