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Boy in the Striped Pajamas

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Presentation on theme: "Boy in the Striped Pajamas"— Presentation transcript:

1 Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Chapters 3-5

2 Acknowledging means admitting to be true

3 Complementing means completing

4 Considerate means thoughtful

5 Conviction means strong belief

6 Customary means usual

7 Decidedly- means without question

8 Distinctly means without question
Ex, I distinctly remember you telling me this. I am decidedly sure you told me this.

9 Exasperation means extreme annoyance

10 Inscription means words engraved on a hard surface

11 Insistent means continuing to make a firm demand

12 Insolent means boldly rude

13 Significance-means importance

14 Torture means cause great pain


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