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Geologic Time Jeopardy

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Presentation on theme: "Geologic Time Jeopardy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geologic Time Jeopardy
The Dating Game Mass Extinctions Time. Period. Fossils Wild Card $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 FINAL ROUND

2 $100 Question This scientific principle states that a rock layer is always younger than all the parallel layers below it. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

3 Principle of Superposition
$100 Answer Principle of Superposition BACK TO GAME

4 $200 Question This is the method of approximating the age of a rock layer in comparison to other layers. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

5 $200 Answer Relative Dating BACK TO GAME

6 Which is classified as an unconformity?
$300 Question Which is classified as an unconformity? Rock layers tilted sideways over time due to tectonic activity Rock layers deposited horizontally A rock layer consisting of various sized particles A rock layer with fossils in it ANSWER BACK TO GAME

7 rock layers tiled sideways due to tectonic activity
$300 Answer rock layers tiled sideways due to tectonic activity BACK TO GAME

8 Which layer is the next oldest after Layer 1
$400 Question Which layer is the next oldest after Layer 1 ANSWER BACK TO GAME

9 Layer 6 is the next oldest after Layer 1
$400 Answer Layer 6 is the next oldest after Layer 1 BACK TO GAME

10 $500 Question If a sample of rock originally contained 400 grams of a radioactive compound and the half-life of the compound is 100 million years, how much of the compound would be left after the rock aged for 200 million years? ANSWER BACK TO GAME

11 200 million years = 2 half-lives
$500 Answer 200 million years = 2 half-lives 0 half-lives = 400 grams 1 half-life = 200 grams 2 half-lives = 100 grams BACK TO GAME

12 What makes a mass extinction different than “regular” extinctions?
$100 Question What makes a mass extinction different than “regular” extinctions? ANSWER BACK TO GAME

13 $100 Answer Mass extinctions result in large numbers of organisms becoming extinct in a relatively short time span BACK TO GAME

14 $200 Question Name two phenomena that scientists believe can cause a mass extinction. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

15 Sea level fluctuations
$200 Answer Climate Change Sea level fluctuations Astronomical events (meteor impact, cosmic radiation, etc) Extreme volcanic activity BACK TO GAME

16 $300 Question The most famous mass extinction was that which wiped out the majority of the dinosaurs at the end of which time period? ANSWER BACK TO GAME

17 End of the Cretaceous Period (approx. 65 million years ago)
$300 Answer End of the Cretaceous Period (approx. 65 million years ago) BACK TO GAME

18 $400 Question A mass extinction at the end of the Precambrian Eon, would have affected which types of creatures? Dinosaurs Marine Invertebrates Mammals Large Fish and Sharks ANSWER BACK TO GAME

19 b) marine invertebrates
$400 Answer b) marine invertebrates Aside from some land plants and almost all life lived in the ocean during the Precambrian time, however, fish did not evolve until late in the paleozoic (150 million years later) BACK TO GAME

20 $500 Question How many significant mass extinctions do scientists currently acknowledge in Earth’s history? ANSWER BACK TO GAME

21 Ordovician Period Devonian Period Permian Period Triassic Cretaceous
$500 Answer 5 mass extinctions Ordovician Period Devonian Period Permian Period Triassic Cretaceous BACK TO GAME

22 This is the only Era in which the dinosaurs lived.
$100 Question This is the only Era in which the dinosaurs lived. (unless you count birds as dinos!) ANSWER BACK TO GAME

23 $100 Answer Mesozoic Era BACK TO GAME

24 Hint: the 1st period in the Era!
$200 Question A rapid evolution and diversification, particularly of animals, occurred during this time period within the Paleozoic Era. Hint: the 1st period in the Era! ANSWER BACK TO GAME

25 $200 Answer Cambrian Period BACK TO GAME

26 $300 Question This is the most recent geologic era, the era that includes today’s time. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

27 $300 Answer Cenozoic Era BACK TO GAME

28 This time period is sometimes called the “Age of Mammals”
$400 Question This time period is sometimes called the “Age of Mammals” ANSWER BACK TO GAME

29 $400 Answer Cenozoic Era BACK TO GAME

30 $500 Question The prequel to Jurassic Park, “Paleozoic Park”, would probably include genetically engineered species such as…. Trilobites Mammoths Dinosaurs Small mammals ANSWER BACK TO GAME

31 All other animal choices evolved after the Paleozoic Era
$500 Answer a) Trilobites All other animal choices evolved after the Paleozoic Era BACK TO GAME

32 An organism will fossilize best when…. Covered in sediment slowly
$100 Question An organism will fossilize best when…. Covered in sediment slowly Covered in sediment quickly Not covered in sediment Submerged in water ANSWER BACK TO GAME

33 b) Covered in sediment quickly
$100 Answer b) Covered in sediment quickly BACK TO GAME

34 $200 Question This type of fossilization occurs when minerals penetrate the cells of dead organisms, turning them to rock, often preserving the whole organism. ANSWER BACK TO GAME

35 $200 Answer Petrification BACK TO GAME

36 What type of fossilization is has preserved this primitive insect?
$300 Question What type of fossilization is has preserved this primitive insect? ANSWER BACK TO GAME

37 Fossilization in Amber (fossilized tree sap)
Organelles: $300 Answer Fossilization in Amber (fossilized tree sap) BACK TO GAME

38 The best name for this type of fossil would be… Coporolite Gastolith
$400 Question The best name for this type of fossil would be… Coporolite Gastolith Imprint Cast ANSWER BACK TO GAME

39 $400 Answer c) Imprint BACK TO GAME

40 $500 Question Fossils most useful to geologists, are those that only appear in distinct, often thin layers of rock. What are these fossils called? ANSWER BACK TO GAME

41 $500 Answer Index fossils BACK TO GAME

42 The best estimate of the age of the earth is…. 4.5 million years
$100 Question The best estimate of the age of the earth is…. 4.5 million years 45 million years 4.5 billion years 4.5 trillion years ANSWER BACK TO GAME

43 $100 Answer 4.5 billion years BACK TO GAME

44 $200 Question Evidence suggests that life first appeared on Earth approximate how many years ago? ANSWER BACK TO GAME

45 $200 Answer 3.5 billion years ago BACK TO GAME

46 First plants or oxygenation of the atmosphere?
$300 Question Which occurred first? First plants or oxygenation of the atmosphere? ANSWER BACK TO GAME

47 First plants (OK first algae)
$300 Answer First plants (OK first algae) The algae conducted photosynthesis to create the oxygen in the atmosphere. BACK TO GAME

48 The last ice age ended approximately how many years ago?
$400 Question The last ice age ended approximately how many years ago? ANSWER BACK TO GAME

49 $400 Answer 10,000 years ago BACK TO GAME

50 Which geologic time era is Mr. Johnstone’s favorite?
$500 Question Which geologic time era is Mr. Johnstone’s favorite? ANSWER BACK TO GAME

51 $500 Answer Paleozoic Era BACK TO GAME

52 FINAL ROUND Question What do scientists believe is the cause for many of the “ice ages” that have occurred in Earth’s history? ANSWER BACK TO GAME

53 FINAL ROUND Answer Movement of continents that change how polar and equatorial ocean waters move around the globe BACK TO GAME

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